Projectes 4

Comercial / Experimental 

En aquesta assignatura es realitzaran dos projectes de disseny, de tipus comercial i experimental, respectivament. 

El projecte comercial tindrà un desenvolupament orientat al mercat, amb finalitat d’integració en les dinàmiques de compra-venta contemporànies. 

El projecte experimental posarà èmfasi en la cerca i activació de múltiples solucions paral·leles i encadenades que redundin en el briefing des del propi procés o la materialitat. 

Durant les classes es durà a terme un projecte comercial, un projecte experimental, i un conjunt d’exercicis paral·lels que permetran practicar i adquirir les competències de l’assignatura. 

Els continguts es relacionaran amb el centre d’interès que desenvoluparà l’equip docent de l’assignatura. L’equip, de perfil multidisciplinar, s’encarregarà de dinamitzar l’aprenentatge a través de sessions de coneixement aplicat per a cada una de les disciplines del disseny —gràfic, espais, producte, cultura, creació visual—, així com les tutories pertinents per a la formació específica de cada estudiant.

Objectius formatius

L’objectiu formatiu principal de l’assignatura és facilitar als estudiants les eines que els permeti el desenvolupament de projectes a partir d’una mirada crítica sobre el nostre entorn. 

Altres objectius a destacar són:

  • El foment del treball en equips multidisciplinars que permeti treballar els projectes des de diferents angles.
  • El desenvolupament de la capacitat d’anàlisi a través del coneixement del nostre entorn.
  • La concreció i resolució final dels projectes.
  • La millora de la capacitat de síntesis i d’exposició dels projectes.

The visual representation of messages, spaces or objects through digital resources implies the understanding and mastery of the tools and software common in the professional design environment. Far from limiting their expression, the mastery of these resources and technologies must allow us to go further in visual expression to control their language, complementing analogue and manual techniques.

The software to be used is the usual in the professional environment but can be run with alternative open or free license options, if the student so wishes.

Training Objectives

The general training objective is to achieve the technical knowledge and basic skills of both the main digital software in the design environment, as well as the concepts linked to the representation and production of graphic material from these tools.

Specifically, the objectives cover different training areas:

  1. Computer and digital environment
    1. Know the professional software of the field of Design: Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Autocad, Solidworks.
    2. Establish solid technical bases for work in the digital environment in general, and in the field of design in particular. Understand the general logic of software, the functioning of different operating systems (MacOs and Windows) and the use of regular hardware.
    3. Acquire the knowledge, rigor and order habits necessary to work optimally in a technological environment (procedures, delivery formats, technical characteristics) and design project.
    4. Understand and apply the advantages of working with parametric design programs.
  2. Representation of ideas and realities
  3. Keep in mind the basic range of representation tools offered by the different computer programs linked to design and know how to use them optimally and appropriately.
  4. Being able to generate different types of images, typical of the visual creation environment, from drawing or illustration, as well as the generation of graphics.
  5. Understanding the difference between bitmap and vector images, and knowing how to adapt and use them according to the context.
  6. Be able to represent the space in 2D from the drawing of technical plans that meet the sector's own requirements.
  7. Being able to represent spaces and/or objects in 3D from the required parameters.
  8. Being able to generate basic graphical pieces of combination, based on the appropriate use of typography, composition, information architecture and image use.
  9. Identify visual styles and types of representation and associate them with the communicative needs of the project or context.

B. Technical preparation for use and physical production

  • Knowing the characteristics and knowing how to optimally generate and use the different formats and extensions of the computer documents of each program.
  • Knowing the particularities to take into account when preparing final arts or archives to send to produce.
  • Being able to produce and/or print originals and models.

- Descarrega la guia docent dels grups 1 i 5

- Descarrega la guia docent dels grups 2 i 6

- Descarrega la guia docent del grup 3

- Descarrega la guia docent del grup 4

