Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques

Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques

The Eina Specialisation Diploma in Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques offers an analysis and practical look at the use of illustration in projects for the fields of the press, advertising and graphic design, as well as the exploration of new languages and the creation of experimental proposals.

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Information session 27 February at 3 pm. Access to the session 10 minutes before the start time

→ 6 October 2025 to 29 June 2026 
→ Mondays (some), Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5pm to 8pm
→ Onsite - 30 ECTS
→ 4.590 € 
→ Registration open

The diploma programme allows students to acquire skills in traditional and advanced techniques, and offers a springboard into the sector, focusing on advertising agencies, the media, design studios and publishing companies.

Student profile

  • Graduates in Design.
  • Graduates in Fine Arts.
  • Graduates in Advertising and Public Relations.
  • Graduates in Audiovisual Communication.
  • Professional or academic with proven experience.

Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques

Career opportunities

  • Illustration for press and periodical publications such as newspapers and magazines.
  • Creation of merchandising and own brand, in the field of advertising and institutional communication.
  • Creation of large format projects (mural) and urban intervention.
  • Illustration for literary and narrative publications.
  • Creation of self-published and self-illustrated books for children and adults.
  • Collaboration in theatre and audiovisual projects of different types.
  • Creation of own work as an artist and collaboration with art galleries and museums.
  • Teaching in the field of illustration and drawing.

Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques



  • Press illustration projects
    Analysis of the use of illustration as a visual resource applied to the press. Review of outstanding examples. Creation and development of applied projects, fictional or real, of illustrations for newspapers.
  • Illustration projects for advertising and graphic design
    Analysis of the use of illustration as a visual resource applied to graphic advertising. Review of outstanding examples. Creation and development of applied projects, fictional or real, of illustrations for advertising.
  • Experimental projects
    Exploration of new visual languages ​​through the development of two projects: a personal illustrated album project based on proposed texts and an illustration project for a short literary fictional text. Planning and work methodology. Analysis of literary and visual narration. Creation of characters. Identification of personal style and adaptation of tone to content and reader.

Traditional and advanced techniques

  • Drawing: alternative techniques
    Exploration of different drawing techniques and styles.
  • Printing techniques
    Exploration of different collage techniques and styles.
  • Painting
    Exploration of different painting techniques and styles.
  • Volumetric illustration
    Exploration of techniques with mixtures of materials and 3D elements.
  • Digital illustration
    Exploration with computer applications and vectors.
  • Animation
    Basic exploration of the elements and techniques of animated images.


Theory and analysis

  • History, theory and criticism of illustration
    Analysis of the evolution of illustration as a graphic resource: formal characteristics and communicative purposes. Identification of styles and study of the work of prominent illustrators. Practice of critical analysis of illustrated work and the role of the illustrator.

Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques

Discounts, fees and payment options

5% discount for:

  • UAB Alumni

10% discount for:

  • Eina students and alumni.
  • Members of the Catalan Art Critic Association (ACCA)
  • Members of the Association of Museologists of Catalonia (AMC)
  • Members of the Association of Valencian Illustration Professionals (APIV)
  • Members of the Professional Association of Illustrators of Catalonia (APIC)

- Consult the fees for all UAB-specific studies (Masters, Postgraduate and UAB courses)

Single payment option:

  •  100% at the time of acceptance (to guarantee the reservation of a place, payment must be made within 10 days of being accepted).

Installment payment option:

  •  50%: at the time of acceptance (to guarantee the reservation of a place, payment must be made within 10 days of being accepted)
  •  50%: before July 31

For further details check on academic info.

Rubén Hervás Rubén Hervás
Núria Garcia Núria Garcia
Luis Alzueta Luis Alzueta
Berta Cervilla Berta Cervilla
Berta Cervilla Berta Cervilla
Adriana Paramos Adriana Paramos
Maryna Kizilova Maryna Kizilova
Javiera Mac-lean Javiera Mac-lean
Magdalena Arcieri Magdalena Arcieri
Sergio Gonzalez Pardo Sergio Gonzalez Pardo
Andrea de Castro Andrea de Castro
Cota Olea Cota Olea
Pamela Calero & Marcela Perrone Pamela Calero & Marcela Perrone
Ariadna Veas Ariadna Veas
Leire Orueta Gomez Leire Orueta Gomez
Elena Araujo Elena Araujo
Mazatzin Armenta Mazatzin Armenta
Diego Plaza Diego Plaza
Lucas Amaral Lucas Amaral
Mia Campos Mia Campos
Maria de Balanzó Maria de Balanzó
Camila Berazain, Bera Camila Berazain, Bera
Paula Castro Paula Castro
Leonardo Lester Leonardo Lester
Cinta Fosch Cinta Fosch
 Josefina Alvarez Castillo Josefina Alvarez Castillo
Andrés Naranjo Andrés Naranjo
Valentina Wilson Valentina Wilson
Ráian Coelho de Andrade Ráian Coelho de Andrade
Violeta Bastida Alba Violeta Bastida Alba
Catalina Mekis Rozas Catalina Mekis Rozas
Mayte Lozano Mayte Lozano
Itxaso Mugica Itxaso Mugica
Shuang Zhang Shuang Zhang
Bis Turnor Bis Turnor
Martín Azpilikueta Martín Azpilikueta
Eileen Hinckle Eileen Hinckle

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