Since 2006/2007, he has taught a range of subjects on the theory and history of design at EINA. He began with the Foundations subject for first-year students.
He now teaches classes to fourth-year Analysis and Critique students, devoted to the theory of design, the analytical part of design and critique. He has also taught History classes at EINA. In other Catalan teaching institutions, he teaches classes in design and communication, while in Canada, he has given Humanities and History classes to art and design students at the Emily Carr University in Vancouver.
Professional / Research Activity
Art and Design teacher, for 25 years he has worked as an art critic and in curating exhibitions, especially in the field of contemporary art. He frequently writes in specialist magazines and for catalogues as well as contributing articles to themed monographs. He is a writer and translator, and he frequently works in the publishing field. As a creator, he has had three solo exhibitions.
(Only the 5 most recent ones are listed)
- “Cultura crítica en l’alterespai: a la recerca d’un model per a l’activisme artistic”, in Art Jove 2010-2011, Sala d’Art Jove/Generalitat de Catalunya: Barcelona, 2012, pp. 128-134. -“Reflexiones sobre las estructuras y estéticas anarquistas en los colectivos culturales” a Sitesize, ¡Catalunya termina aquí; aquí empieza Murcia!, Barcelona: Sitesize, 2014, pp. 59-66. -“A Host for Critical Gastronomy: Martí Guixé’s Food Designing”, a Martí Guixé Food Designing, (Mantova: Corraini, 2010; 2a edició, 2015), pp. 108-111.
- “Space-Run Artists: Art Activism and Urban Conflict in Contemporary Barcelona", in Jeff Khonsary and Kristina Lee Podesva, eds., Institutions by Artists: Volume 1, Vancouver: Fillip Editions, 2012.
- “Critique, Language and Strategy a Martí Guixé’s Ex-designer”, Design History Society Annual Conference, Design Activism and Social Change, Barcelona, September 7-10, 2011.
- Thought for Food: A Gastronomic Reading Room”, a Kristina Lee Podesva, Vehicle: Thinking Through the Box, Langara Centre for Public Art, Langara College, Vancouver, Canadà, 13 gener-10 febrer, 2009 (Single collaborative project).
- Parlar (als animals), Sala H, Vic, March - April 1999 (solo exhibition)
- Miraboira i altres mirades, Sala H, Vic, June 1994 (solo exhibition)