As a school with over fifty years’ history, EINA conserves a significant fonds on the history of the institution and on the contemporary teaching of design and art. The Archive ensures the conservation and dissemination of this documents while also working to improve day-to-day administrative efficiency and management./p>
Mission and functions
The mission of the Archive Service is to plan, implement and evaluate EINA’s archive and administrative documentation management system, as well as to maintain, preserve, organise, describe and ensure access to the entire centre’s document, administrative and historical fonds. The aim of the Archive Service is to become a basic information unit contributing to the improvement of the efficacy and efficiency of the administrative management as well as the diffusion of EINA’s documentary heritage ensuring the right conditions for their conservation and preservation.
The Archive is an open service addressed to researchers and people interested in the history of the art and design pedagogy and the history of EINA. You can access the online catalogue of the Historical Archive or learn more about the other services: access and consultation, information and reference, extraordinary loan of documents, reproductions of original documents.
The Historical Archive
Since its founding in 1967, EINA has been both a pioneering centre in design teaching and a place of cultural innovation that has been home to, amongst teachers and students, various figures of our recent cultural history. To testify this EINA’s Historical Archive preserves a considerable amount of original documents related to the history of the centre and the evolution of design and its pedagogy in our country. This invaluable material, consisting of photographs; school’s programmes and administrative documents; correspondence and other handwritten materials; brochures and press clippings, serve as a research source and is available to researchers.
Available Fonds
Currently The Eina Historical Archive contains the following fonds:
- EINA, Design and Art University Centre in Barcelona.
- D'EINA, Alumni Asociation.
- Fons Ricard Giralt Miracle.
EINA’s online chronology
EINA’s online chronology provides whomever may be interested with an event relation that allows to follow the historical thread of this pioneer centre in the teaching of design and art in Barcelona. The chronology is the result of a well based research work in the cataloguing process of the centre’s historical archive and the critical revision of these fonds. Therefore, it’s not an institutional story but the visualisation of information and data constituting connectors of different possible stories. Data is presented in a concise but easily understandable way. On the one hand a relation with the textual, graphic and photographic documents of the Archive is established as well as the link with other available information on the Web. On the other hand, it’s an attempt to isolate EINA’s historical thread with relevant data of the local and international context.Only this causes the visualisation of the cultural transfer that has taken place and the will of contemporaneity with which EINA identifies becomes evident..
Images: EINA poster by Amercia Sanchez and Alfonso Estrada (1967), Entrance of Casa Manuel Dolcet (197-?), first EINA headquarter (Xavier Miserachs), Col·legi de Filosofia poster (1978) and Art studies poster (197-?)