EINA is a private non-profit-making foundation whose principal aim is the teaching of art and design, fostering creation and cultural debate.
The foundation's governing body is the board of trustees, comprised of people from the EINA community from a variety of fields: many of them have historically been linked to the school as teachers or former students. The tasks attributed to the board of trustees include the administration of the heritage and the facilities and ensuring the beliefs of EINA and the achievement of its founding aims.
Full documentation concerning Governance, Annual Accounts, Activity Report and Strategic Plan is currently being updated and will be published shortly. Any inquiries can be addressed to fundacio(a)eina.cat and will be answered as swiftly as possible.
EINA Foundation Statutes (PDF)
EINA Foundation Code of Good Governance (PDF)
Aims and purposes
Included in the Statutes (Chapter I, Article 3er)
Composition of the Board of Trustees
Miquel Molins - President
Josep Mª Milà - Vicepresident
Alicia Núñez - Vicepresident*
Anton Granero - Secretary
Josep Bagà
Jordi Colomer
Mario Eskenazi
Xavier Olivé
Gerard Vilar
Núria Bretos
* pending registration in the Register of the Generalitat.
Annual programme of activities
The activities that the EINA Foundation plans to carry out during the year consist of promoting everything necessary for the proper functioning of the University Centre attached to the UAB. They are also complemented by the new Eina Idea project to take training in art and design beyond its comfort zones. Details can be found in each of the sections of this website.
Results of the activities carried out
The result of the activities carried out, centred on the University Centre attached to the UAB and the Eina Idea project, is described in section 1b) of the Financial Report that forms part of the annual accounts. There is also a description of the activities carried out during the last financial year, with an indication of the fulfilment of the objectives.
The group of beneficiaries
Included in the audited annual report (section 1.b).
Organisational structure and management team
Annual Activity Report 2022-2023 (PDF)
Annual Activity Report 2021-2022 (PDF)
Annual Activity Report 2020-2021 (PDF)
Annual Activity Report 2019-2020 (PDF)
Purpose and mission
En la seva vocació de renovar continuadament la pedagogia, la recerca i les pràctiques del disseny i l'art, EINA vol consolidar-se com a referent cultural, educatiu i social.
EINA vol atreure i ser un potenciador de talents i generador de singularitats creatives, capaç de respondre als reptes socials, intel·lectuals i econòmics del present.
Inspiring knowledge and collaborative work, EINA aims to offer the optimal resources for training and research, with a focus on personal growth and the improvement of society. Furthermore, EINA wants to expand its presence and its impact on the local and international design and art circuits, consolidating itself in a network of collaboration with similar centres.
With efficient management and an agile and friendly internal organisation, EINA aims to be a safe, dynamic and motivating working environment, expressing its ethical and creative principles in all its operational dynamics.
Main strategic guidelines
EINA, Barcelona University Centre of Design and Art is an activity of EINA Private Foundation. The Centre's activity is governed by an affiliation agreement with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Likewise, the EINA Private Foundation undertakes initiatives dedicated to expanding its mission as a promoter of knowledge, experimentation and collaboration in the fields of design and art at a territorial and international level.
EINA's activity as a university centre is developed in three transversal areas related to:
I. Teaching
II. Research
III. Social and cultural action
The following areas are involved, in a more transversal way, in order to support all the activities of the Centre and the Foundation:
IV. Communication and V. Management
De manera annexa i coordinada amb el funcionament d’EINA, neix Eina Idea com a think tank i plataforma de programació amb una vocació estratègica íntimament lligada a las dinàmiques del Centre Universitari i de la Fundació EINA, però desbordant el marc acadèmic:
VI. Eina Idea
Based on this representation, the 5 strategic lines are detailed:
1. Improving academic quality
2. To make research a driving force for transformation.
3. Assuming a relevant position in the social and cultural context
4. Eina Idea as an intensifier and accelerator of the values and the EINA brand.
5. To achieve economic profitability