Design is an occupation directly linked to the economic dynamics of innovation and the creative and cultural development of a society. This is the basis on top of which EINA has built a close relation with its surrounding and on which both the training policy and the university and business collaboration activities and programmes that the centre promotes and manages.
According to topic and vocation EINA cultivates the proximity with the vast professional and business world engaged with design and does so considering both the knowledge and experience and attitudes.
The professionalizing objective of the studies is acquired, by different means. During the development of the studies, necessary knowledge and resources are built to work in a wide range of professional fields and simultaneously we try– by means of the tutoring– to guide the student vocation defining the most specific aspects of their professional interests. On the other hand, the student may have real and specific work experience either through the specific subjects and occasional projects or through the information and management provided by the centre (labour exchange with university-business cooperation agreements).
Collaboration projects with institutions and businesses
EINA's interaction with the business and institutional world facilitates the collaboration agreements aimed at developing occasional studies or projects. According to the topics and objectives these EINA-business collaborations may develop as part of project subjects or through occasional work groups, with special attention to students’ participation. Unlike the conventional projects, these have an exploring and speculative component distinctive of the university-business transfer.
EINA participates in regular calls of cultural events like Lluèmia, the Christmas lighting of La Pedrera, LlumBCN, the Light Garden Festval in Manresa or the Christmas lighting of the stores in Sarrià amongst others, fairs such as Ventura Future or the Milan Design Week in Italy, All Inked Up in Canterbury and Folkestone (United Kingdom), the DesignMarket of FAD or the Talent Day in the Barcelona DesignWeek; and collaborations with businesses and entities such as Andreuworld or the Reial Club de Polo in Barcelona.
Awards and contests
EINA promotes the participation in awards and contests as way for the students to be renowned and develop their curriculum. When necessary, the centre will be in charge of the tutoring of the student that may develop projects to present in awards and contests. In any case, the student can benefit from the assessment of some of the teachers through occasional queries. Eina promotes the participation in contests like the GlasberriesDesignAwards, the Jumpthe Gap Roca International DesignContest or the Campus Blanc amongst others.
From EINA to Work – Professional open house day
An annual day aimed at the students in their 3rd and 4th courses of the Design Degree where several topics related to the labour integration or continuity of studies are discussed. Graduate students from prior years participate in the event and explain their experience and professional background.
Campaigning and promotion of the students
It must be noted that the centre takes the promotion of the EINA graduates as one of its duties. In this sense, the student projects are disseminated through specialized publications, exhibitions, in the project section of EINA’s Digital Repository with the aim of facilitating the transition into the labour market and highlighting the professionalism and competences acquired.
If you are an institution, study or business which is interested in an internship agreement with EINA students or would like to send us a job offer for students or alumni, you can reach the person managing them with the form on this very page.