EINA is a higher education university college dependent on a private non-profit-making foundation and attached to the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). As a school attached to a public university, the governance and administration of the school is by a School Board comprised of representatives of all the groups in the university community.
The school is governed by its regulations, the Constitutional Universities Act (in Catalan), the Universities Act of Catalonia (in Catalan), the statutes (in Catalan) and the academic collaboration agreement with the UAB.
Organs of Government and management
Governing Council
- Tània Costa, Eina director
- David Casacuberta, UAB representative.
- Jose María Milá, Foundation patron.
- Alícia Núñez, Foundation patron.
- Jo Milne, professor's representative.
- Àlex Egea, PAS representative.
- Daniel Rico, UAB representative.
- Montserrat Rifà, UAB representative.
- Deepika Soler Montserrat, students' Representative.
Permanent Board
- Miquel Molins, EINA Foundation president.
- Jose María Milá, EINA Foundation vice-president.
- Núria Bretos, EINA Foundation manager.
- Tània Costa, Eina director
- Manuel Cirauqui, director Eina Idea
Academic Commission
- Tània Costa, Eina director
- Jordi Peraferrer,, coordinator of Bachelor of Design
- Berta Fort, coordinator of Masters and Postgraduate studies
- Glòria Mompín, head of academic management.
Academic Programming Commission
- Tània Costa, Academic Director
- Sara Coscarelli, Director of Masters and Postgraduate Programmes
- Javier Nieto, Director of innovation and enterprise
- Enric Mas, Member of the teaching staff
- Salvador Huertas, Member of teaching staff
Quality Commission
- Tània Costa, Academic Director
- Sara Coscarelli, Deputy Director
- Javier Nieto, Director of Innovation and Enterprise
- Marta García i Lorenzo, Quality Manager
- Enric Mas, Member of teaching staff
- Lara Garcia, Member of teaching staff
- Joan Cortiella, Member of the technical, management and administrative services staff