Final Projects Bachelor of Design

The projects undertaken by the students are the result of an ongoing personal development based on the school’s philosophy: to create active professionals, with a solid cultural education, who are critical of their environment and creators of solutions that improve society.

The Final Bachelor of Design Projects of the Graphic Design, Design of Spaces, Product Design, Visual Creation and Design Culture mentions show the results of learning based on reflection and methodology specific to the design project, where both the conceptual part and the technical and formal part live alongside each other.

Presentation of the Bachelor of Design Final Degree Projects 2023-2024
DESENCAJAR - Presentation of Final Bachelor's Degree Projects 2022-2023
SINTÍTULO_FINALFINAL - Presentation of Final Bachelor's Degree Projects 2021-2022
DESIGN IS A POSSIBLE PRESENT - Presentation of Final Bachelor's Degree Projects 2020-2021