The complaints and suggestions form that you will find in this space (indicated with the text "Request information") aims to collect the initiatives presented for the improvement of quality and, also, the manifestations of dissatisfaction of groups and individuals in relation to the services provided by EINA.
The management of complaints and suggestions is governed by EINA's complaints and suggestions regulations (in Catalan) within the framework of the internal quality assurance system.
The scope of this form is limited to the following: facilities and equipment, services, attention to students and teaching. Administrative appeals lodged against the provisions or administrative decisions adopted by the governing bodies of EINA; complaints prior to, civil processes against EINA, which are governed by specific legislation; and review requests for examinations and other tests, fall outside the scope of this process.
Instructions for formalisation of the application
You can formalise your complaint or suggestion using the form on this page.
- Make a complete and understandable presentation of your complaint or suggestion.
- Bring any documents related to complaints or suggestions that may provide more information (maximum 4MB).
- If you want to receive an answer, fill in the contact information requested on the form.
Alternative channels of submission of the application
You can also submit your complaint or suggestion using this downloadable form and sending it to us physically through the mailbox that you will find available in the facilities or delivering it to the Secretary of the centre; or via email to In all cases it will be sent to the Quality Manager for processing.
Commitment to quality
Your suggestions and complaints will be treated individually and confidentially with the aim of measuring the quality of services offered to EINA’s groups.
You will receive your written response within 20 working days from the day of receipt.