Access conditions are the same for all students. But foreign students must complete the necessary procedures so that their stay is legal and they have the appropriate medical insurance. More informations at the UAB website, sections "Procedures for student EU" and "Procedures for non-EU students": “Procedures for student EU" and "Procedures for non-EU students” at the UAB website
EINA convoca una beca o ajut per postgrau. Lʼajut sʼofereix als alumnes matriculats, un cop el curs ha estat tancat i amb el condicionant que la totalitat de les places hagin estat ocupades. Els alumnes poden presentar la seva candidatura i sol·licitar la beca, que serà atorgada per mèrits i per decisió del coordinador/a. Les convocatòries de beques es publiquen anualment al web dʼEINA. La beca implica obtenir una reducció en la matrícula en concepte de realització de tasques de suport a la coordinació.
D'altra banda, la UAB ofereix informació sobre altres tipus de beques al seu web.
You can check the calendars on the Intranet (Moodle)
- Application and appeal (Word) (in Catalan)
- Request Certificate (Word) (in Catalan)
Although Catalan and Spanish coexist as part of academic life at EINA and the UAB, classes are generally taught in Spanish to help non Catalan-speaking students learn. It is not essential to speak or understand Catalan to be able to follow and make the most of the courses. However, Catalan is present in the day-to-day life of the school and in some subjects or workshops.
No contents are currently taught in English, although the majority of the teachers understand and speak it. We recommend that foreign students should have a good level of Spanish, both spoken and written, to be able to follow second-cycle courses in this language. However, it is not compulsory to have a qualification or certificate showing their level.
Through the Language Service, the UAB offers Spanish and Catalan courses for foreign students.
- UAB academic information
- Download academic standards (PDF) (in Catalan)
The Academic regulations of the Autonomous University of Barcelona are applicable to regulated university courses in accordance with Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October 2007, amended by Royal Decree 861/2010, of 2 July 2010.
The Master's and Postgraduate Courses do not include academic internships. However, if the student has the chance to do extracurricular internships in a company during the enrolment period, and the activities are directly linked to the field of study, help with arranging the agreement is provided. Internships must be proposed by the student.
Special price for students and former students: 10% discount on the price of enrolment. The discount does not apply to new access students enrolling studies contained in the same study (postgraduate courses in the same master's degree).
Special price for teaching and research staff and administrative and services staff at the EINA Foundation: 50% discount on the price of enrolment.