Estudiants a EINA Bosc

Grants and aids - Bachelor of Design

The Bachelor enrolment rates correspond to the teaching expenses and the services EINA offers as a private non-profit institution. The price of the credit disaggregates in the public price (regulated by Decret annually published at the DOGC which establishes the credit price of the academic services at the public universities in Catalonia) and private price.

The cost of the Bachelor of Design studies may be subject to certain aids when it comes both to public price and the private price of the credit.

With regard to the public enrolment rate, the aforementioned Decree stipulates that the surcharges and exemptions applicable to the public rate. On a different note, EINA students can also benefit from General Regime and Mobility Grants by the Ministry of Education, Professional Formation and Sports, and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

Aware of the possible difficulties when accessing the studies and in their continuity, the EINA Foundation offers a system of grants and aids aside the grants and aids offered by the State.

EINA offers the following grants, aids and exceptions:

Other grants and deductions

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