The Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors of the FAD (ADG-FAD) has awarded a Bronze Laus Award, Student category, to Guillem García for his Final Project of the Bachelor of Design 'La Ciudad Jardín'.
Guillem, what does winning this award mean to you?
Receiving a Laus Award is one of the greatest recognitions you can get as a student. For me this award has been a reassurance, I'm doing something right!
Your work seeks to humanise hospital facilities, specifically those of the Care Centre Dr. Emili Mira i López (where patients with mental health problems are treated). What made you choose this theme?
This theme arose from the personal need I had at the time to use my knowledge as a graphic designer as a tool to improve society, I wanted to contribute, and the stigma that still exists in mental health opened a very interesting way for me to work.
And finally, tell us about your experience at EINA?
EINA has been the school where I have been trained, it has meant a change in my way of thinking and projecting, the discovery of new concerns that I didn't know I had, EINA is design.