"Espai teixit no-teixit: re-pensar els espais arquitectònics en la integració de l’espai viscut", by Isabel Mejía

Espai teixit no-teixit: re-pensar els espais arquitectònics en la integració de l’espai viscut is the Final Master’s project by Isabel Mejía, on Master in Research in Art and Design, tutored by Tània Costa and Oriol Ventura.

This study links the theoretical analysis of the architectural spaces and the design practice, developing various hybrid and constantly configured space experiments, through the generation of images that seek to rescue the senses during the design process and rediscover the analog complexity of technology. It is research through design, a reflexive work, based on experimentation with shape, movement, use and disuse of living space. It sees space as rhizomatic, something that is woven and not woven, that neither begins nor ends. It is alive and therefore smooth, nomadic, unlimited, without centres or fixations. It is a concept that arises in the integration of lived space, understood as built as it alters an environment, generates possibilities of living and feeling through the multiplicity that defines it and the connections that are created in relation to the body that experiences it.

The objective of this research is to rethink the concept of space, establishing the body-space-technology elements as an integral part of the design process and its representation. With all this, we seek to address new paradigms and reflections of contemporary space, as well as to involve intangible elements that generate meaning in the processes of architecture and design.

Project by Isabel Mejía Project by Isabel Mejía
Project by Isabel Mejía Project by Isabel Mejía
Project by Isabel Mejía Project by Isabel Mejía
Project by Isabel Mejía Project by Isabel Mejía
Project by Isabel Mejía Project by Isabel Mejía