Il·lustració Eva Gómez Serrano

Collaboration with DOMUS

Students and alumni of EINA's Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques have collaborated with DOMUS magazine, the international publication on design, architecture and construction.

EINA's participation took the form of illustrations of articles in the June, July-August and September issues of DOMUS magazine, in the news items linked to the sections Punti di vista/Points of view, written by Giulia Ricci, and Case d'altri/Others' houses by Andrea Bajani.

Eva Gómez Serrano, a postgraduate student, illustrated the June issue of the interview with Daniela Bruno and Paolo Cresci, and the article Una farmacia romana a Washington. Carmen Martínez, a former student of the programme, was in charge of the illustrations for the July-August issue of Jane Withers and Lydia Kallipolit, and the article Naufragio sul Golfo di Camogli. Bertine Bielderman, also a former student, illustrated the September issue by Phineas Harper and Lieven De Cauter, and the article Sparire nel sottosuolo di Amsterdam.


Eva Gómez Serrano Eva Gómez Serrano
Eva Gómez Serrano Eva Gómez Serrano
Carmen Martínez Carmen Martínez
Carmen Martínez Carmen Martínez
Bertine Bielderman Bertine Bielderman
Bertine Bielderman Bertine Bielderman