Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles

Starting the house by the roof

The project called “Comencem la Casa per la Teulada” (“Starting the house by the roof”) explores the will to generate a space with minimum services necessary for a homeless person to survive in Barcelona, and more concretely in the neighbourhood of Sarrià. The aim of the project is not only to design the space, but also to create a new style of managing such projects. Through self-management, I will aim to develop an inclusive space where attention will be centred on the homeless person, whether they are giving or receiving a service.

Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles
Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles
Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles
Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles
Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles
Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles Starting the house by the roof - Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles


Design of Spaces
Tomàs López
Tutored project for
Maties Tortosa Garcia-Argüelles