Sara Coscarelli

Sara Coscarelli

PhD in Humanities from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and deputy director of Eina.

She holds a degree in Humanities from the UAB and an advanced degree in Design, specialising in interiors from Eina, where she is Director of Masters and Postgraduate Courses and Internationalisation.

She is a researcher in the history and critique of the design of spaces in the context of the crisis of the modern movement, the critique of contemporary space and its phenomenological aesthetics.

She is a researcher linked to the UAB and a member of GRETDA, recognised by the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

At Eina she teaches on the Bachelor of Design and the University Master's Degree in Space Design (MUDE), of which she is the coordinator.


As PDI, Research Teaching Staff, she currently teaches full time in the Bachelor of Design at EINA, in the subjects Projects 4, 2nd year, and Final Degree Project (TFG), 4th year. Previously, she has taught Projects 1, Representation of spaces, Analysis and critique of the design of spaces and Design of commercial spaces. She teaches at the MUDE in the subjects Narrative of the project, The design of spaces in the world and Master's Final Project (TFM).


Her main lines of research are the study of the design of spaces in the context of the crisis of the Modern Movement in the Mediterranean area, the critique of contemporary space and the phenomenological aesthetics of space.

A. Research projects

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Staff Exchanges (SE) HORIZON-MSCA-SE-2022    
“Reassembling politics across children's cultures to scale intersectional pedagogies”
Faculty of Education, UAB    
Duration: 2022-2025
Head Researcher: Dr. Montserrat Rifà
Arquinfad-FAD, Foment de les Arts i el Disseny    
“Arquinset Històric”
Duration: 2022 

Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital
“Generating knowledge In artistic research: Towards an Alternative Account. A Meeting Point of Philosophy, Art and Design”, MINECO FFI2015 -64138-P    
Department of Philosophy and Arts, UAB    
Duration: 2015-2018    
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gerard Vilar

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
“La teoría y la crítica del arte en Cataluña, Valencia y Baleares entre 1880 y 1980”, HAR2013-48050-P.
Department of Humanities, UPF
Duration: 2014-2017
Principal Investigator: Dr. Antoni Marí Muñoz

B. Research groups

GRETDA - Grup de recerca en estètica i teoria de l’art i el disseny 
[Research Group in Aesthetics and Theory of Art and Design]
Reference: 2021 SGR01381
Duration: 2021-2026
Entity: EINA, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona. Attached to the UAB
Head Researcher: Dr. Tània Costa

GRACMON – Grup de Recerca en història de l’art i el disseny contemporanis 
[Research Group in Aesthetics and Theory of Art and Design]
Reference: 2021 SGR 00280
Duration: 2021-2026
Institution: Department of History of Art, Universitat de Barcelona
Head Researcher: Dr. Tània Costa

GRETA - Grup de Recerca en Estètica i Teoria de l’Art 
[Research Group in Aesthetics and Art Theory]
Reference: 2014 SGR-360
Duration: 2017-2022
Institution: Department of Philosophy, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gerard Vilar

GRHED - Grup de recerca en història i estudis de Disseny 
[Research Group in History and Design Studies]
Duration: 2015-2021
Entity: EINA, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona. Attached to the UAB
Principal Investigator: Dr. Alex Mitrani


(Only the 5 most recent/representative are listed)

A. Book chapters and conference proceedings

“El modelo del GATCPAC para las escuelas catalanas de la Segunda República. El caso de la Escuela Folch i Torres (1933-1934)”
Publication: XIV Congreso Internacional Historia de la Arquitectura Moderna. Arquitectura escolar (1919-1975), una necesidad permanente Actas preliminares. Escuela Técnica-Superior de Arquitectura de Navarra, Pamplona: 2024.

“Meta Regionalismo Crítico. Intervención en la Casa Zariquiey de Barba Corsini: 1957-2016”
Actions in the Architectural Heritage of the Mo.Mo. XII Congreso DOCOMOMO Ibérico, Valladolid, 27, 28 and 29 September 2023. Preliminary records. DOCOMOMO Ibérico. Valladolid, 2023. ISBN 978-84-09-54567-4.

"La seu del GATCPAC o el bressol del pensament crític català, 1931-1936"
(The headquarters of GATCPAC or the cradle of Catalan critical thought, 1931-1936)
Title of the book: Villes et capitalité: espaces de création et d'échange (1888-1937) [Villes et capitalité: places of creation and exchange (1888-1937)].
Year: 2023
Publisher: Editions Hispaniques, Paris
ISBN: Pending

“Sanatorio de San Juan de Dios de Manresa. El GATCPAC y la subjetivación del lugar en la creación de espacios para la vida”
(San Juan de Dios Sanatorium in Manresa. The GATCPAC and the subjectivation of place in the creation of spaces for life)
Author: Dr. Sara Coscarelli
Publication: Architecture for health and rest (1914-1975). Preliminary Proceedings. Higher Technical School of Architecture of Navarre, Pamplona: 2022 (Pending publication).
Year: 2022
Place: Pamplona          
Organising institution: Higher Technical School of Architecture, UNAV
ISBN: 978-84-92409-99-0

“La arquitectura industrial como fuente de inspiración para el diseño del espacio interior de postguerra del Grup R en Cataluña”
(Industrial architecture as a source of inspiration for the design of Grup R's post-war interior space in Catalonia)
Author: Dr. Sara Coscarelli
Publication: Industrial buildings: icon and space of progress for architecture at the start of modernity. Preliminary proceedings. Higher Technical School of Architecture of Navarre, Pamplona: 2020.
Place: Pamplona
Organising institution: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, UNAV`.
ISBN: 978-84-92409-94-5

"El local Olivetti de Badalona (1968): disseny i identitat corporativa" [The Olivetti shop in Badalona (1968): design and corporate identity].
(El local Oliveti de Badalona (1968): design and corporate identity)
Author: Andreu Balius, Isabel Campi, Guillem Celada, Sara Coscarelli, Albert Crispi, Enric Mas, Alex Mitrani, Jordi Peraferrer, Oriol Pibernat, Jordi Rogent, Sílvia Santaeugènia, Enric Steegmann.
Book title: L'Interiorisme comercial com a patrimoni: una aproximació des del món del disseny [Commercial Interior Design as Heritage: An Approach from the World of Design
[Commercial interior design as heritage: an approach from the world of design].
Year: 2017
Pages: 161-174
Publisher: GRHED Grup de Recerca en Història i Estudis de Disseny. EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona. Attached to the UAB, Barcelona.

“Sobre los inicios del regionalismo crítico mediterráneo en la concepción diseñística de Correa y Milá: el caso de la Casa Villavecchia, Cadaqués (1955)”  
(On the beginnings of critical Mediterranean regionalism in the design conception of Correa y Milá: the case of the Casa Villavecchia, Cadaqués (1955))
Author: Dr. Sara Coscarelli
Publication: Modern despite everything. Proceedings of the First Symposium of the FHD, Design History Foundation, Barcelona: 2016.
Place: Barcelona
Organising Institution: Design History Foundation
ISBN: digital book:…

B. Magazines

“La nueva modernidad en el ideal arquitectónico de Josep Maria Sostres. Sobre su producción crítica y arquitectónica: dialéctica regionalista, crítica y mediterránea”
Publication: RAM, nº1

“Proceso de generación del espacio doméstico. La interdependencia como metodología para la transformación de espacio en lugar”
Publication: Fedro, Revista de Estética y Teoría de las Artes. Num. 23, September 2023, pp. 68-89. ISSN 1697-8072.

"The Recovery of vernacular interior design as a value for the Modern Movement. Bridges between Le Corbusier, Gruppo 7 and GATCPAC"
Author: Dr. Sara Coscarelli
Publication: PAD nº 21: Design values in the mediterranean
Year: 2022
Pages (initial-final): 179-209
Publisher: Aiap Edizione
Commissioning Institution: Pages on Art and Design, International peer-reviewed open access journal
ISBN/ISSN: ISSN 1972-7887

"Mediterranean Critical Regionalism. A Methodological Concept Linked to the Southern Space Designs of Post-War II"
Author: Dr. Sara Coscarelli
Publication: PAD nº 16: Towards a New Agenda for Design in the Mediterranean Region.
Year: 2019
Pages: 103-123
Publisher: Aiap Edizione
Commissioning Institution: Pages on Art and Design, International peer-reviewed open access journal
ISBN/ISSN: ISSN 1972/7887

C. Invited lectures

"La influència de l'arquitectura italiana, anglesa i americana en la configuració de l'arquitectura interior a Catalunya (1950-1970)"
(The influence of Italian, English and American architecture in the configuration of interior architecture in Catalonia (1950-1970))
Author: Dr. Sara Coscarelli
Type of contribution: Invited national conference
Event: Lecture series Arquinset'21: "Interior Design".
Place: Barcelona
Year: 2021    
Organising institution: Arquinfad, FAD.

"The trip of GATCPAC on board Patris II in 1933. Fisrt suggestions of a mediterranean critic regionalism"
Author: Dr. Sara Coscarelli
Type of contribution: International invited paper
Event: Seminario di ricerca internazionale. Travels and views. Towards a Mediterranean Rationalism of the 20th century.
Place: Milan, Italy
Year: 2019
Organising institution: Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Construzioni, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, Politecnico di Milano.

E. Stays in research centres 

Research on the Katzenstein Archive, Directorate of Argentinean Architecture and Design Archives
Study of the projects that the Catalan architect and member of GATCPAC carried out in Argentina.
Centre: Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (FADU), University of Buenos Aires.
Location: Buenos Aires
Country: Argentina    
Year: 2023
Duration: February 2023 and February 2024

Pre-doctoral research mentored by Dr. Hemeritus Honoris Causa Kenneth Frampton
Study of critical regionalism for the preparation of a doctoral thesis.
Centre: Graduate School of Architecture, Planning And Preservation (GSAPP), Columbia University
Location: New York
Country: United States of America    
Year: 2010
Duration: 1st period: 01/07/10-25/08/2010; 2nd period: 01/10/2010-31/12/2010    
Researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (IVU), attached to the Department of Philosophy in the research line Contemporary Aesthetics.


Design of domestic spaces, coordination and site management
Duration: 2004-2021