La Casa dels micos

La Casa dels micos

The project presented here proposes the design of a space shelter for the children of the Lillet school in Güell, an educational centre located in La Pobla de Lillet.

La Casa dels micos, as this shelter is called, is a space where children can feel comfortable and safe while they enjoy playing and the environment around them.

The shelter is a space designed by and with the imagination of the children of the village, who initially contributed their vision through their drawings.

The fact of involving the village children from the beginning of the work has been key to its correct development and has also allowed the project to distance itself from the needs and the adult vision that currently predominates today. The ergonomics of the space and the different design choices have been made based on these children's representations.

The design of the La Casa dels micos project respects the surroundings and adapts to each of the trees and the irregularities of the terrain, thus mimicking the volume and not interfering with the visual appearance of the landscape.

La Casa dels micos La Casa dels micos
La Casa dels micos La Casa dels micos
La Casa dels micos La Casa dels micos
La Casa dels micos La Casa dels micos
La Casa dels micos La Casa dels micos
La Casa dels micos La Casa dels micos
La Casa dels micos La Casa dels micos
La Casa dels micos La Casa dels micos
La Casa dels micos La Casa dels micos
La Casa dels micos La Casa dels micos


Design of Spaces
Marina Salvador Farré