Historian and designer. MA in History, Art and Geography Advanced Research Tecniques and Methods (UNED). BA in Art History. Design and Humanities Studies. Researcher and curator of exhibitions, he has published several books and articles.
He currently teaches in EINA’s Research MA in Art and Design (2012-2021), the Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Illustration (since 2018) and also EINA’s Design Degree (since 2012). He has been professor of the UAB Master in Aesthetics and Contemporary Art Theory (2005-2009); of the UPF Master in Ecodesign (2002-2004); and the UPC Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainability, Technology, Development and Imbalances (1997-2000). He has also been an associate professor at the UB Faculty of Fine Arts (1996-1998) and at Elisava between (1996-1998). He has been a professor at EINA since 1986, where he was also Head of Studies (1997-1999) and Director (1999-2016).
As a researcher, he cultivates Design History from the perspective of cultural history. His field of specialization is the history of design in Catalonia and Spain during the Franco period. He has participated in the GRHACMON, Research Group in History of Contemporary Art and Design of the University of Barcelona, and the IDENTI.CAT (Language, Culture and Identity in the Global Age) Research Group of Open University of Catalonia.
Publications / Research
(Only the five most recent are listed)
- Pibernat, Oriol (2021). "Re-presentar el disseny: arguments per a una exposició". Catàleg d’exposició Objectes Comuns. Històries locals, debats globals. Barcelona: Museu del disseny / Ajuntament de Barcelona.
- Pibernat, Oriol (coord.) (2021). Amueblando viñetas. El diseño contemporáneo visto desde el còmic y viceversa. Barcelona: Associació per l'Estudi del Moble / Museu del Disseny de Barcelona.
- Pibernat, Oriol (2021). "Cómic y diseño. Afinidades y transferencias. El caso de Swartew y Mariscal". Amueblando viñetas. El diseño contemporáneo visto desde el còmic y viceversa. Barcelona: Associació per l'Estudi del Moble / Museu del Disseny de Barcelona, pp. 81-93.
- Pibernat, Oriol (2021). " Dos sillas en el pabellón español de la XI Trienal de Milán: El diseño que quería emerger en 1957”. Res Mobilis Vol. 10 Núm. 13-2. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Historia del Mueble (tomo 2). https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/RM/article/view/16247
- Pibernat, Oriol (ed) (2020). Diseño y franquismo. Dificultades y paradojas de la modernización en España. Madrid: Experimenta.
Professional activity
He has professionally participated in various publishing, museum and exhibition projects as advisor, curator and editor. He has participated in the cataloging proces and the exhibition design of the Barcelona Design Museum product collection. In the field of exhibitions, he curated: Common Objects. Local histories, global debates (Barcelona, Barcelona Design Museum, 2021); The Utility in Design (Madrid, Círculo de Bellas Artes 2008); Inhabiting the world, with Ramon Folch and Salvador Rueda (Barcelona, Fórum, 2004); Work cultures, with Josep Ramoneda (Barcelona, Center for Contemporary Culture, 2000); Baggage in 2000, with the theater group La Cubana (Barcelona, Center for Contemporary Culture, 2000); Primavera del Disseny (Spring of Design), 1999, a design festival held in different locations in Barcelona; André Ricard, the daily design, with Pedro Azara (Joan Miró Foundation, 1999); Error design, irtum mi object, with Uli Marchsteiner (Kunta Halle Krems, Austria, 1998); Homo ecologicus, for a culture of sustainability (Barcelona, Miró Foundation, 1996); Because it does not work? (Barcelona, Virreina, Barcelona City Council, 1993).
On the other hand, he has exercised cultural criticism by publishing articles in magazines and newspapers (l'Avenç, La Vanguardia, La Vanguardia / Culturas, Minerva, Revista de Occidente, Contemporanea, International art magazine, Tipográfica, etc). He has published books on design and designer monographs.
Awards / Merits
He has had a relevant activity in the associative and cultural field of design being chosen for several positions: boss and Vice President of the FHD, History of Design Foundation (2014-2018 and 2016-2018, respectively); Member of the Design Committee of the Culture Council of Barcelona (2007-2010); Vice President of ADI FAD, Association of Industrial Designers (2004-2006); member of the Institutional Advertising Commission of Catalonia appointed by the Parliament of Catalonia (1996-1998); member of the Board of Directors of the FAD, Promotion of Decorative Arts (1991-1995); vocal and vice president of the Board of Directors of the ADI FAD, Association of Industrial Designers (1988-1989) and the ADG, Association of Graphic Designers and Illustrators (1986-1989). He won the 1988 ACCA Award for the Design Yearbook for Catalunya'88 as the best specialized publication, of which he was editor and coordinator.