Sofía Aguilera Jiménez has obtained the third prize of the Col·legi de Dissenyadors d'Interiors i Decoradors de Catalunya (CoDIC - College of Interior Designers and Decorators of Catalonia) for her Final Degree in Design Project "Refugio en la azotea. Espacio individual para la creación" (Rooftop shelter. Individual space for creation).
Sofia's project focuses on the creation of a place to be inspired by observing the great city, its life, its architecture... It is a refuge with exterior and interior spaces, designed for individual life, creation and contemplation.
The jury valued the innovative contribution of the project "Rooftop Shelter" on an urban space originally uninhabitable. The jury of the 21st edition of the CoDIC Final Project Awards, which were awarded on 26 November at the Antigua Fábrica Estrella Damm in Barcelona, was formed by: Carles Margarit, Vice-president of the CoDIC-Girona; Antoni Casadesús, Member representing the Consultative Council of the CoDIC; Rosa Fonts, Dean of the Col·legi Oficial de Disseny Gràfic de Catalunya (Official College of Graphic Design of Catalonia); Gemma Tost, Director of the magazine On Diseño and Marc Rivas, Head of Valentine's Pre-registration Department.