The Laus awards ceremony, which was organised by the Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors of the FAD (ADG-FAD) took place last 20th June. Among the winners we have former professors, former students and students of the Degree in Design of EINA. These are some of the winners:
Golden Laus - "FIERA. Feria de Fanzines Feministas", TFM Master in Graphic Design - Gemma Fontanals.
Silver Laus - "Orenga", TFG - Lluís Serra (Senyor Estudi).
Silver Laus - "Shaper Festival" - Carles Giménez.
Bronze Laus - "Loop. Redisseny del festival de videoart de Barcelona", TFG - Dani Guix.
Bronze Laus - "Glissando Typeface" - Carles Giménez
Bronze Laus - "LINEAL", TFG - Carlos Álvarez-Valdés.
Laus Bronce - "SOFIA", TFG - Raquel Fabrellas.
Bronze Laus - "Danshari", TFG - Ariadna Valldeperas.
Former students
Golden Laus - "YUCA Sound Alibi & Time Issue" - Carles Murillo.
Silver Laus - "LOREAK" - Borja Garmendia (Pensandoenblanco) and Carles Murillo.
Silver Laus - "Kinetic corporate identity for Blanc Festival's 10th edition" - Gerard Mallandrich.
Silver Laus - "Barcelones" - Carles Murillo.
Bronze Laus - "Barna Brew" and "La Pionera" - 131, with Pau Llop and Esteve Padilla.
Bronze Laus - "Pirulís. Columnes d'expressió lliure" - Gerard Mallandrich.
Bronze Laus - "Invitación Exposición Double Bind - Juan Muñoz" - Manel Font.
*Bronze Laus - "Twobo" - Senyor Estudi, with Lluís Serra.
Teachers and former teachers
Golden Laus - "SEAT BCN Typeface" - Typerepublic, with Andreu Balius.
Golden Laus - "Our Mallorca" and "Independent Barcelona Coffee Festival" - Pràctica, with Carlos Bermúdez and Guillem Casasús, teachers, and Anna Berbiela, former student.
Golden Laus - "Chamberí" - Extra Estudio, with Iñigo Jerez, former teacher at EINA.
Silver Laus - "Jatachi" - Pràctica, with Carlos Bermúdez and Guillem Casasús, teachers, and Anna Berbiela, former student.
Bronze Laus - "Trígonos" - Bildigrafiks, with Martí Ferré, teacher at Master in Graphic Design and at postgrau en Fotografia i disseny editorial
Bronze Laus - "RocaRecicla" and Silver Laus for "RocaRecicla RR201Ilustraciones" - RUN, with Xavier Roca Connétable, former teacher at Master in Graphic Design.
Bronze Laus - "Centre Acompanya'm" - Dani Rubio and Rai Pinto.
Bronze Laus - "L'ORIGEN: Aurea Dicta by Miquel Barceló", with Salvador Sunyer (Nanouk Films).
Bronze Laus - "Jatachi" and "Teikit Temporada 2018" - Pràctica, with Carlos Bermúdez and Guillem Casasús, teachers, and Anna Berbiela, former student.
Bronze Laus - "Lectura Pla Sant Jordi", "Galeries d'Art a Catalunya" and "Brugarol criança" - Pere Alvaro, former teacher at EINA.
Bronze Laus - "Vidal & Armadans" - Extra Estudio, with Iñigo Jerez, former teacher at EINA.
Many congratulations to everyone!