Laus Awards 2019

The Laus awards ceremony, which was organised by the Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors of the FAD (ADG-FAD) took place last 20th June. Among the winners we have former professors, former students and students of the Degree in Design of EINA. These are some of the winners:


Golden Laus - "FIERA. Feria de Fanzines Feministas", TFM Master in Graphic Design - Gemma Fontanals.

Silver Laus - "Orenga", TFG - Lluís Serra (Senyor Estudi).

Silver Laus - "Shaper Festival" - Carles Giménez.

Bronze Laus - "Loop. Redisseny del festival de videoart de Barcelona", TFG - Dani Guix.

Bronze Laus - "Glissando Typeface" - Carles Giménez

Bronze Laus - "LINEAL", TFG - Carlos Álvarez-Valdés.

Laus Bronce - "SOFIA", TFG - Raquel Fabrellas.

Bronze Laus - "Danshari", TFG - Ariadna Valldeperas.

Former students

Golden Laus - "YUCA Sound Alibi & Time Issue" - Carles Murillo.

Silver Laus - "LOREAK" - Borja Garmendia (Pensandoenblanco) and Carles Murillo.

Silver Laus - "Kinetic corporate identity for Blanc Festival's 10th edition" - Gerard Mallandrich.

Silver Laus - "Barcelones" - Carles Murillo.

Bronze Laus - "Barna Brew" and "La Pionera" - 131, with Pau Llop and Esteve Padilla.

Bronze Laus - "Pirulís. Columnes d'expressió lliure" - Gerard Mallandrich.

Bronze Laus - "Invitación Exposición Double Bind - Juan Muñoz" - Manel Font.

*Bronze Laus - "Twobo" - Senyor Estudi, with Lluís Serra.

Teachers and former teachers

Golden Laus - "SEAT BCN Typeface" - Typerepublic, with Andreu Balius.

Golden Laus - "Our Mallorca" and "Independent Barcelona Coffee Festival" - Pràctica, with Carlos Bermúdez and Guillem Casasús, teachers, and Anna Berbiela, former student.

Golden Laus - "Chamberí" - Extra Estudio, with Iñigo Jerez, former teacher at EINA.

Silver Laus - "Jatachi" - Pràctica, with Carlos Bermúdez and Guillem Casasús, teachers, and Anna Berbiela, former student.

Bronze Laus - "Trígonos" - Bildigrafiks, with Martí Ferré, teacher at Master in Graphic Design and at postgrau en Fotografia i disseny editorial

Bronze Laus - "RocaRecicla" and Silver Laus for "RocaRecicla RR201Ilustraciones" - RUN, with Xavier Roca Connétable, former teacher at Master in Graphic Design.

Bronze Laus - "Centre Acompanya'm" - Dani Rubio and Rai Pinto.

Bronze Laus - "L'ORIGEN: Aurea Dicta by Miquel Barceló", with Salvador Sunyer (Nanouk Films).

Bronze Laus - "Jatachi" and "Teikit Temporada 2018" - Pràctica, with Carlos Bermúdez and Guillem Casasús, teachers, and Anna Berbiela, former student.

Bronze Laus - "Lectura Pla Sant Jordi", "Galeries d'Art a Catalunya" and "Brugarol criança" - Pere Alvaro, former teacher at EINA.

Bronze Laus - "Vidal & Armadans" - Extra Estudio, with Iñigo Jerez, former teacher at EINA.

Many congratulations to everyone!

Gemma Fontanals Gemma Fontanals
Carles Jiménez Carles Jiménez
Ariadna Valldeperas Ariadna Valldeperas
Dani Guix Dani Guix
Carlos Álvarez-Valdés Carlos Álvarez-Valdés
Raquel Fabrellas Raquel Fabrellas
Carles Jiménez Carles Jiménez