Lidia Puig has won a Laus Gold, awarded by the Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors of the FAD (ADG-FAD), in the Student category, with her Final Project of the Bachelor of Design ‘Distype’.
Lidia, what does receiving this award mean to you?
For me, this award is recognition of a job well done and the effort behind a project that has been in the works for so many months. It is satisfying to see how design professionals value the work behind the project; it is an opportunity to show your work beyond the university world.
Your work reflects a process of experimentation leading to the design of six alphabets, showing different ways in which the increase in temperature alters the original typography and transforms it. What motivated you to choose the theme of your project?
I think that the final project is a good opportunity to get into a subject that you are interested in and that you want to continue learning about, because in the end it is a project to which you will dedicate many hours and I think it is important that the subject you choose motivates you and that you want to know about it.
Climate change is present in our daily lives, we hear about it constantly, but I felt that I had a very superficial knowledge of the subject, probably because of the density and complexity that usually accompanies a subject like this. The interest in expanding my knowledge of climate change and the desire to be able to communicate such a complex subject in a direct and visual way made me decide to focus my project in this direction.
On the other hand, during the last university years I have been showing a special interest in typography. That's why I wanted to take advantage of the final project to continue researching and learning about this discipline.
Lidia, as a recent graduate, what does EINA mean to you?
EINA is the beginning; the first contact with the world of design and what has made my interest in this profession continue to grow. For four years, it has been a space of opportunities, learning and connections with design professionals and colleagues from whom I have been able to learn and share knowledge and experiences.