Miquel Cardiel Villamediana

Miquel Cardiel Villamediana

Degree in Product Design at ELISAVA
Degree in Industrial Design Engineering at ELISAVA
Front End Developer Bootcamp at Ironhack

Teaching / Research

Development of research projects from einaidea in VR video game format on art, architecture and interactive storytelling. Programming of web pages and applications with 3D environments for dissemination companies.

Working mainly on photogrammetry and digital recreation of environments and elements of reality, 3D moulding, sculpting and architectural or exhibition space visualisation.

Professional experience

With more than 5 years of experience as a freelance 3D artist, under the name miquelcardiel.xyz, he builds projects in the field of 3D art in all stages of development, including experience in conceptualisation and art direction. Applied to different artistic formats such as commercials, videoclips, videogames, 3D exhibitions, 3D websites and architectural rendering.

He has collaborated with commercial brands such as Hermès, TOUS, Fluidra, Indisoluble, LR3, Festival Cara B, and for artists such as Roosevelt, Rojuu, June Crespo, Julia Espínola and Albert Madaula.

He has previously trained in product design, co-founding the Sociedad 0 collective, where he explored new ways of inhabiting and expanded the frontiers of design in a more speculative direction.


  • Sociedad 0, Space_2B Moneo Brock, (Madrid), 2018
  • Ventana Emergente, Hamney Gallery (Barcelona), 2021
  • -AK-, Galeria Mutuo (Barcelona), 2021


Social media