Isabel de Naverán Urrutia

Isabel de Naverán Urrutia

PhD in Art from the UPV/EHU.
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Image, Technology and Contemporary Culture, UPV/EHU.
Degree in Fine Arts from the UPV/EHU.

Teaching / Research

Researcher member of the ARTEA research team in Madrid, in the fields of art, dance and performance. Associate Researcher at Azkuna Zentroa, in Bilbao, in the field of writing and performing arts.

Also active as a lecturer in various postgraduate programmes in art and performing arts, such as the Master's Degree in Research and Creation in Art, UPV/EHU; Master's Degree in Performing Arts Practice and Visual Culture, UCLM and the Reina Sofía Museum; Master's Degree in Articulacions, from the UV/UPV and the IVAM; Master's Degree in Performing Arts and Sciences, from the UPV/EHU; coordinator and teacher of the research module Archivos de lo efímero, in the Master's Degree in Practice and Theory in Contemporary Arts and Culture at Azkuna Zentroa. She has lectured as a guest researcher at national and international art universities. Between 2008 and 2011 she taught at the Aula de danza organised by Gestión Cultural de la UPV/EHU.

She is involved in numerous academic research projects. She is a reviewer for several scientific journals and is a member of assessment committees and jury for research grants at national level. Between 2004 and 2010 she was a researcher at the Virtual Archive of Performing Arts of the UCLM.

She has developed educational and learning community generation programmes in independent institutions such as Bulegoa z/b and Azala.

Professional experience

Curator of live arts at the Department of Public Activities of the Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid, between 2017 and 2023.

Curator of the Elipsiak cycle at Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao, between 2016 and 2018.

Curator of the Lanbroa performance cycle at the Museo Artium, Vitoria, between 2011 and 2013.

In 2010, together with Beatriz Cavia, Miren Jaio and Leire Vergara, she founded the art and knowledge office Bulegoa z/b, in Bilbao, a project to which she remains linked until 2018.

Her research practice is materialised in curatorial, editing and writing projects. Accompanying artistic processes through conversation and textual production, she coexists with the development of curatorial methodologies at the crossroads between art, dance and writing.


In 2021 he received, together with the architect and visual artist María García Ruiz, the Fotonoviembre Award from the TEA, Tenerife Espacio de las Artes.

Between 2004 and 2008 she received a pre-doctoral research grant from the Programa de Formación de Investigadores del Departamento de Política Científica, Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco (Research Training Programme of the Basque Government Department of Science Policy, Education, Universities and Research).

In 2005 she received a grant for Choreographic Creation from the Department of Culture of the Basque Government. In 2003, she received a grant for Artistic Creation from the Bilbaoarte Foundation in Bilbao and in 2002 a grant for Plastic Arts from the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.


She is active both in scientific articles and in publications on practical knowledge transfer. She is editor of the books Cuerpo y cinematografía (with José A. Sánchez, ed. UAH 2008); Hacer Historia. Reflexiones desde la práctica de la danza (ed. Polígrafa 2010), Lecturas sobre danza y coreografía (ed. Artea, 2013).

As an author she has published the books Envoltura, historia y síncope (Caniche editorial, 2021) and Ritual de duelo (consonni, 2022).

Bio photo: © Lorea Alfaro, 2021

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