He studied philosophy in Barcelona, Frankfurt and Constance. He was a DAAD and Humboldt Fellow with J. Habermas and A. Honneth. He had the first teaching position in the Theory and Composition department of the ETS of Architecture of Barcelona. He is currently Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts in the Department of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, of which he has been director.
He was the organizer and head of the UAB-Fundació Miró master’s degrees in Theory of Contemporary Art “Pensar l’art contemporani” and “Gramàtiques de l’Art Contemporani” (2000-2012). He has also been a visiting professor at universities in Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and Mexico.
As a principal investigator he has directed the following competitive projects:
- MCYT BHA2001-1479-C04-C3 on "Contemporary Art and Democratic Identity", 2001-2004.
- MEC, HUM 2005-05757 on "The historicity of aesthetic experience: towards a paradigm shift", 2006-2008.
- MICIN FFI2008-04339 / FISO "The historicity of aesthetic experience II: continuity and discontinuity between aesthetic experience and moral sense", 2009-2011.
- MINECO FFI2012-32614 "Aesthetic Experience and Artistic Research: Cognitive Aspects of Contemporary Art", 2013-2015.
- MINECO FFI2015-64138-P “The Generation of Knowledge in Artistic Research: Towards an Alternative Explanation. A meeting point between philosophy, art and design ", 2016-2018.
- He is currently IP of the MICU research project PGC2018-093502-B-100. “Artistic research and aesthetic thinking. A meeting point between philosophy, art and design ", 2019-2022.
He is also the leader of the Consolidated SGR: 2014 SGR-360 GRETA- Research Group on Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts (2014-2016). Renovated: 2017 SGR-1312 (2017-2020).
To date, he has directed some thirty doctoral theses.
It also carries out evaluation work for different national and international agencies (ANECA, CNEAI, AQU, CONACYT, FONDECYT and other agencies).
(Only the five most recent are listed)
- Lyotard: Aesthetics and Politics (2019)
- Precariousness, Aesthetics and Politics (2017)
- Deartification (2010)
- The reasons of art (2005)
- The Aesthetic Disorder (2000)
- The Dissatisfied Reason (1999)
His next book is Philosophy of Artistic Research (2021). He has published numerous articles, has collaborated in numerous collective works and has also made translations and editions in Catalan and Spanish of works by Kant, Hegel, Marx, Adorno, Habermas, Rawls, Danto and Carroll.
He directed the journal Disturbis.net with Jèssica Jaques.