Beatriz Borque Badenas

Beatriz Borque Badenas

Architect and landscape architect graduated as an architect in 2005 from the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB), and as a landscape architect in 2011 from the ETSAB and the École Nationale Supérieure de Paysage at Versailles (ENSP).


She complements his professional practice with teaching in the Projects Department of the ETSAB, at La Salle Url University of Architecture and at EINA in the Postgraduate in Design and Art of the Garden. She has previously taught at ESDi.

Professional experience

She has a studio with 10 years of professional activity and works in the fields of architecture and landscape indistinctly, promoting the practice from a transversal point of view.

Together with the architect Miquel Mariné, she has just inaugurated the new children's space at the Nou Barris Library, a pilot project for the Conceptualisation of the new children's spaces in Barcelona Libraries, of which they are the authors, and she is currently working on various landscape projects such as the renaturalisation of the Liconsa car park together with Jorge Vidal Studio on the outskirts of Madrid or the outdoor spaces for a Montessori school in Barcelona.

She was coordinator and documentalist of the exhibition and catalogue Arquitectures sense Lloc; directed by Krtu, the Architects' Association of Catalonia and FAD and curated by Antonio Pizza, Ramon Faura and Santi Ibarra; which took place at the Centre d'Arts Santa Mònica in 2009. At the same time, she has written articles on landscape and public space in the magazines The Plant, Pasarela and Arxius d'Arquitectura Catalana.

She has been invited to lecture on her work at various international schools of architecture and landscape architecture, such as The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Torcuato di Tella University and ETSAVallès.


Her work has been recognised and awarded several times. The Antònia Vilàs gardens together with Miquel Mariné and the Patio for a 110-room building together with MAIO Architects, both located in Barcelona, have been selected in the Barcelona Landscape Biennial, as well as in the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism among others.



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