Anna Pujadas is a designer specialising in digital creation and research-creation.
Graduate in Graphic Design and Digital Creation from the UOC (2023), Graduate in Art History from the UAB (1990), Graduate in Philosophy from the UAB (1992), Master's Degree in eLearning from the UOC (2020) and PhD in Art History from the UAB (1998) with a thesis on Architecture Theory.
Accredited as Associate Professor by the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Catalan University System (AQU, 2017) and as Senior Lecturer by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA, 2017).
She teaches on the Bachelor's of Design (since 2002) and the Official EHEA Master's Degree: University Master's Degree in Design of Spaces (MUDE) (since 2023) at EINA, University Centre of Design and Art of the UAB.
She has been a lecturer on the Official EHEA Master's Degree: University Master's Degree in Research in Art and Design at EINA/UAB (2013-2018). Lecturer of the CSIM, Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media of the Faculty of Audiovisual Communication of the UPF (2007-2012). Lecturer on the Master's Degree in Digital Art Curating at MECAD-URL (2007-2009). Lecturer on the Bachelor's Degree in Humanities at the UPF (1998-2014). And lecturer on the Degree in Art History at the UAB (1997-1998).
Professional experience / research
She has been the Director of EINA, University Centre for Design and Art from 2017 to 2019, having previously served as Undergraduate Degree Coordinator (2009-2010), Research Coordinator (2011-2012), and Coordinator of Masters and Postgraduate Degrees (2005-2006 and 2013) at the same centre.
She is currently a researcher at SGR Design, health and wellbeing (EINA/UAB), coordinating the research line CURE&CARE DESIGN. CURE&CARE DESIGN includes everything we do to maintain, perpetuate and repair our world. It is a design that does not rely on the impersonal conventions of a system or logic to elucidate projects. Rather, it is based on the existence of a network of relationships and dependencies that include us, where the project is resolved through communication.
She is currently a researcher and coordinator at Herramienta of the ARDES Programme (design of a course on ARt, DEsign and Sustainability with special attention to the environment and climate change). It is an international Erasmus + programme funded by the European Community in partnership with Universidade Aberta Portugal (UAb), European University Cyprus (EUC), LABA Valencia School of Art Design & New Media (LABA) and Documenta Creaciones Multimedia Avanzadas (MYD) Barcelona.
(Only the 5 most recent/representative are listed)
- Pujadas, Anna. Proyectar desde la perspectiva del cuidado o cómo reparar el mundo. 'Temas de Diseño, Caring Though Design', 38. Barcelona: Elisava, 2022.
- Pujadas, Anna. Cibercontrol en el diseño y las artes digitales. 'Oxímora: revista internacional de Ética y Política', 20, 97-110. Barcelona, 2022.
- Pujadas, Anna. Jujol y el espíritu de carnaval. Dentro de 'Jujol, animar las piedras y poner vida'. Ayuntamiento de Sant Joan Despí: Jornadas Internacionales en torno al arquitecto Josep Maria Jujol, 2022.
- Pujadas, Anna; Saiz, Mar; Fàbregas, Ariadna, Pedagogía de la maravilla aplicada a un taller de producción creativa. 'Zincografía', Año 6. Madrid: Especial BID ZCR 2022.