Detall d'EINA Bosc

A new technological era

Pau de Solà-Morales, director of EINA, publishes the article “Una nueva era tecnològica. Hacia una arquitectura de los sentidos” (A new technological era. Towards an architecture of the senses).

This publication is based on a reflection on the impact of technologies on the architectural panorama to question how we experience the world.

"Our abilities, our emotions, complement the analytical knowledge of our minds, interacting in complex ways to create much more powerful ways of understanding and moving through the world. Our minds, our brains, can adapt, literally transforming on the fly, keeping the traces of all past experiences and thus physically embodying memory. One more connection between physis and idea," comments Pau de Solà-Morales. 

Read the article at this link.

Estudiants a EINA Bosc