The Laus Prizes, organised by the Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors of the FAD (ADG-FAD), were awarded on Friday 8 June. The prize-winners included some EINA Bachelor’s Degree in Design students:
Natàlia Pàmies, recent graduate of the EINA Bachelor’s Degree in Design, with the Final Degree Project ‘SOROR’, which was awarded a Laus Students Gold and a Laus Aporta, and was highlighted for its impulsive editorial design, which alerts on different fronts in the fight against gender inequality. “A work full of emotions and possibilities,” the jury stated.
Laus Students Silver for Orgasm, Free Work by Júlia Peró.
Laus Students Silver for _data, Free Work by Ariadna Valldepera.
Laus Students Bronze for Artel, Free Work by Laia Closas and Maria Viladomiu.
Many congratulations to everyone!