Body Dynamics: Researching through Art and Design is an exhibition project by eight students on the University Master's Degree in Research in Art and Design at EINA...
- Opening 13 September at 7 pm
- Exhibition 13 to 15 September 2018
- Exhibition room of the Sant Lluc Artistic Circle in Barcelona
Body Dynamics: Researching through Art and Design is an exhibition project by eight students on the University Master's Degree in Research in Art and Design at EINA.
The creations that can be visited are part of the practical research processes carried out by the students to complete their Final Master's Degree Project. Having completed this academic phase, the research has materialised into professional productions exhibited in major cultural institutions in Barcelona.
The exhibition proposes a collective revision of the notion of the body in our present discursive environment, which is tackled from different points of view and through diverse procedures, techniques and formalisations. The idea-sharing highlights the depth of the research, the context analysis ability, argumentative meticulousness and contemporary nature of the formats and productions of the MURAD students. The show is conceived as a device designed to encourage the spectator to reconsider their preconceived ideas about the body, in a personal, social, symbolic, aesthetic, ethical, economic and political sense.
Coordination is by Tània Costa, and the participating artists are Marcela Barreiro, Olga Beltrán, Claudia Jaramillo, Alejandra Morales, Lucía Morales, Maria Pinell, Claudia Poblete, Loreto Sepúlveda, Sofía Silva, Mónica Ruiz.
With the collaboration of the Sant Lluc Artistic Circle; GdR Design Processes/Art and Design (in) for transition; MINECO FFI2015 -64138-P Generating Knowledge in Artistic Research: Towards an Alternative Account. A Meeting point of Philosophy, Art and Design; LAMURAD, Journal of Research in Art and Design.