Teaches Introduction to Design Projects and Physics in Design (since 2009) in the first year of the Design Degree at EINA, where he has taught since 2003. He has also taught for the Master’s in Landscape and Heritage Intervention and Management (2011-2012) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and for the Master’s in Interior Design and Project Management at the University of Seville (2014-2015).
Professional experience / research
Works for himself in his architecture and interior design studio Raúl Oliva Arquitectos, carrying out building and urban design projects throughout Spain.
Previously founded the architecture and design studio Tres Arquitectos Associados (Barcelona, 2004) where he began working upon graduation, dividing his time between teaching and collaborations with such eminent architecture studios as Archi21, Tribobes, FFPV Arquitectura and Jaume Avellaneda Arquitecte.
He has given lectures at numerous architectural conferences, including:
- V Congreso DOCOMOMO Ibérico / international symposium on GATCPAC (Grupo de Arquitectos y Técnicos Catalanes para el Progreso de la Arquitectura Contemporánea) (Barcelona, 2005.
- XIX National Congress of Ethics, Economy and Management (EBEN - España) / "TRANSFORMAR EL MUNDO · humanizar LA TECNICA: Ética, Responsabilidad Social e Innovación" (Transforming the World: Humanizing the Technique. Ethics, Social Responsibility and Innovation), (Barcelona, 2011).
- Design History Society Annual Conference 2011: Barcelona / "Design Activism and Social Change", (Barcelona, 2011).
He has produced many graphic commissions, including the digital artistic image “The Splendour of La Pedrera” for Fundació Caixa Catalunya’s exhibition Splendour in the Ruins in La Pedrera (Barcelona 2005) and the critical architectural project “Arquizofrenia: a Ruinous Projection of the Contemporary Architecture in Barcelona,” which consisted of a limited series of the city’s emblematic buildings in a realistic state of ruin, along with a book explaining the theoretical framework of the project (Barcelona, 2014).
- OLIVA, R. “... Sobre el procés mental de Re-Presentació artística ...” [On the Mental Process of Artistic Re-presentation] Barcelona, 2005. Extract from a conference for: "El Museu Ideal" [The Ideal Museum] in the Master’s from the European doctorate in History, Theory and Composition in Architecture at ETSA, in Barcelona, UPC.
- “Environment. Interior Design”. OLIVA, R. “Teoría sobre los avances tecnológicos en representación gráfica: su influencia en el proceso de diseño” [A Theory on Technological Advances in Graphic Representation: Their Influence on Design Processes]. Sendemà Editorial. Valencia 2012.
- OLIVA, R. “Arquizofrènia. Projecció Ruïnosa de l'Arquitectura contemporània de Barcelona” [Arquizofrenia: a Ruinous Projection of the Contemporary Architecture in Barcelona]. Barcelona 2014.
- PUJADAS, A. “Kitsch Barcelona” (Participation). Ajuntament de Barcelona. Barcelona 2016.
- “La Maleta de Porbou” [The Suitcase of Portbou]. Number 18m July-August 2016, OLIVA, R. “La Huella Digital en la Arquitectura” [Digital Footprints in Architecture]. Galaxia Gutenberg. Barcelona 2016.
For RaúlOlivaArquitecto S.L.:
- Design and project management for the single family home “Antonio and Pilar, a homage to Mies” in Cañete la Real, Málaga, 2009.
- Design and project management for the single family home “Black and White” in Vélez Rubio, Almería, 2012.
- Design and project management for the country hotel “Mundóbriga” in Munébrega, Zaragoza, 2013. • Design and project management for the single family home "C & C", in Canet de Mar, Barcelona, 2015.
- Modification of the "Mas Bach" special urban plan for the Clos Barenys Wineries of JM Bach e Hijos, and design and project management for the celebration hall La Toscana, in Vila-seca, Tarragona, 2016.
- Design and project management for a five bedroom luxury hotel in the historic center of Montblanc, Tarragona, 2016.