PhD from the ETSAB, UPC, with the thesis "Arquitectura sembrada. Atlas of encounters between vegetation and architecture".
Seminar. Pastoral. Utopías de la “Vuelta al campo”. Institut d'Humanitats. Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona.
Courses in Teaching content through English at university: key aspects and scaffolding practice. Teaching content through English at the university: key aspects and practice, ETSAB.
Course. Cálculo sencillo para proyectos de estructuras y cimentación. Taught by AuS, Sert School of the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC).
Course. Geobiología y biohabilidad: criterios para diseñar y construir viviendas y espacios de salud. Given by AuS, Sert School of the COAC.
Course. Geobiología y bioconstrucción: elección de espacios favorables para la salud y criterios de bioconstrucción. Given by AuS, Sert School of the COAC.
Course. Arquitectura Escolar. Given by GISA, Sert School of the COAC.
Course. Cómo hacer un proyecto sostenible. Given by the Sert School of the COAC.
Architect by the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès (ETSAV), UPC.
Teaching / Research
Lecturer in the Department of Projects at ETSAB.
Lecturer in the Master Contemporary of the Department of Projects at ETSAB.
Lecturer in the Master Project. Process and Programming of the Projects Department at ETSAB.
Lecturer in DESIGN 4 at Florida International University.
Lecturer at Elisava (Faculty of Design and Engineering of the University of Vic).
Participation in the research project "Cohabitem Barcelona", with researcher from the Department of Projects and the Department of Technology.
Projects Department and Technology Department.
Member of the research group "Rehabitar" linked to the Projects Department of the ETSAB.
Professional experience in research projects in the international competition Solar Decathlon Europe 2010.
Decathlon Europe 2010, promotion tasks, project management and support to students.
Professional experience
Founder in 1998 of the architectural studio ESCALA UNO UNO, which she has directed since then. The proposals made are composed of a constellation of small interventions, these have been shaped with the following criteria: a sensory awakening, a project calligraphy, with tools and project calibration, with an analytical look, through the domestication of the matter provided by the industrial, sustainability and vegetation, which is the pending tool.
The works carried out are composed of housing between party walls, rehabilitation of housing and industry, commercial, image design for retail shop and stands.
Selected in the competition to exhibit the doctoral thesis in the Spanish Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2018. As part of the Becoming project. Curator, Atxu Amann.
First Prize of the Banc Sabadell Foundation for Innovation. LOW3_2012_Self-sufficient solar house.
First prize in the Architecture category in the Solar Decathlon (Spanish edition) 2010.
First prize in the Architecture category at the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 competition, awarded by Glenn Murcutt.
Publication of the doctoral thesis Arquitectura sembrada. Atlas of encounters between vegetation and architecture".
Publication of chapters in the books: Solar Decatlhon Europe 2010 Towards Energy Efficient Buildings, BCN: Inside Barcelonas kreative: ihre wohnungen, lofts, studios and in the Becoming Catalogue. Spanish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Publication of articles in Politica & Prosa, Revista Arquitectura y Diseño, El País Semanal and AD-ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST.