Dancer, creator, teacher and researcher.
Master's degree (own title), Pensar l'art d'avui, UAB.
Master's Degree in Artistic Research and Design, EINA-UAB.
PhD in Philosophy, UAB, with artistic research through dance.
Teacher and researcher, she is part of the Department of Dance Pedagogy at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, teaching different subjects. She is a member of the teaching team of the Philosophy Degree at the UAB in the subject of Philosophy with Picasso. She teaches dance workshops and artistic research through movement both nationally and internationally, in institutions and other non-regulated spaces.
Artist in residence at Im_flieger, Vienna, (2021-2025), currently part of the research groups Dramaturgies of silence and Landen also in Vienna.
Professional experience
She currently co-directs nunArt, an artistic research centre in Barcelona and is the curator and artistic director of Im_flieger's project, Schule Artistic Research through movement(s) 2023-24.
As a dancer she has worked with different companies, notably Compagnie Taffanel (2003-2010) and Cobosmika Company (2006-2013), with whom she worked internationally with Russell Maliphant's company.
In recent years she has presented the creations Sanjiao, (2018), Voyager (2019) and Tentativas de (des)aparición (2021-2022).
- Vilar, L. (2022). Tentativas de (des)aparición. Ensayos propioceptivos y (entre)ceptivos bailando. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- La danza y sus cuerpos como indisciplina, Master’s thesis, MURAD, EINA-UAB.
- Desfilar la dansa contemporània. Notes per a una filosofía en La Modernitat de la filosofía, coordinated by Francis García i Pol Capdevila, La Busca Edicions, Barcelona, January 2012.
- El Cuerpo, ese extraño enigma (u)tópico. Nómade, Arte y Pensamiento n. 3, August 2013: Cuerpo y memoria. Narrativas de los cuerpos contemporáneos. Coautor: Jèssica Jaques, Andrés Armengol, Laura Vilar.
- La formación como experiencia en la liminalidad: apropiaciones entre el aula y el museo. By Àger Pérez Casanovas and Laura Vilar Dolç. LAMURAD, Southern Journal of Research in Art and Design, volum II 09/2020.