Art Historian from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Master in Advanced Studies in Art History, specialising in Medieval Art, University of Salamanca. Doctoral candidate at the same university.
Teaching / Research
Lecturer and researcher at UNSAM (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
She also works as a guest lecturer at various national and international universities. Her main areas of work are art history, dance history, aesthetic theories and body studies.
Professional experience
She is the director and creator of Segunda cuadernosdedanza.com.ar ISSN22508708, a platform for the creation of specialised dance content that has been continuously published online for 12 years and has published collaborations from all over the world. Creator and editorial director of Segunda En Papel EDITORA, a collection specialising in dance books, artists' archives and historiographies of d'asnar.
She has recently been awarded the Santander USAL International Scholarship. In 2022 she received the FNAArtes Scholarship for creation. Her books have been highlighted by the Metropolitan Fund for the Arts and Sciences, the Prodanza Institute, the Ministry of Culture of Argentina, among others.
She regularly publishes academic articles in scientific journals, among others, El Artista, of the University of Guanajuato Mexico, Boletín de Arte of the University of La Plata and 2DA Cuadernos de Danza. Her book collection currently includes 15 books in which she participates as author, editor and compiler.