Grazielle Bruscato Portella

Grazielle Bruscato Portella

Grazielle Bruscato Portella is a designer, visual artist and researcher.

She holds a degree in Design from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brazil). Master in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design by the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.

Currently, PhD student in Fine Arts at the Universidade de Lisboa, specialising in Contemporary Drawing.



Associate lecturer of 'Projects I' in the Bachelor of Design at EINA. Previously visiting lecturer at the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB, 2022).

Professional experience / Research

My professional practice combines design and project management in the areas of technology, art and video. As a designer, I have long experience in creation/product teams in technology companies such as Google (Sao Paulo) and start-ups K Solutions (Paris), Flaner (Lisbon), working transversally with teams from Latin America, USA and Europe. As an artist, I have participated in residencies such as L'AiR Arts Paris and Joya: AIR art + ecology and exhibited my work in Lisbon, Barcelona and Paris.

During my MA (2016), I researched and speculated on tangible interface design (TUI) methodologies for art and design projects, as more haptic and immersive experiences with the world, as well as alternatives to screens and graphical interfaces.

Currently in my doctoral research I am developing the concept of 'Slow Drawing', where I explore the contemplative, phenomenological and sustainable dimensions of contemporary drawing practice, in the context of an anthropocentric, accelerated and digitalised society. I coordinate, since 2020, the project '5 Minutes of Drawing' at the Universidade de Lisboa, conducting monthly interviews on drawing with local and international contemporary artists.


Most recent publications.

Portella, G. (2022). In conversation with Sam Winston: Drawing as language in the absence of light. In: Conference Criadores sobre Outras Obras - CSO 2022. Apr 2-5, 2022.

Portella, G. (2021). Slow drawing as a methodology to inhabit, represent and reimagine nature. In: Colóquio Expressão Múltipla V: teoria e prática do desenho

Portella, G. (2021). 5 Minutes of Drawing: Instagram for scientific, pedagogical and artistic communications in the Covid-19 era. In: Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital - Sigradi 2021. Nov 10-12, 2021, pp. 365-376. 

Portella, G. (2021). Contemporary Drawing and Ancient Philosophy: the artistic creation as a practice of “care of the Self”. In: Thomas Project: a border Journal for utopian thoughts. 5(1), pp. 137-157, 2021.

Portella, G. (2020). Drawing from observation, observing thoughts: Drawing in isolated acts. In: 5 Minutos de Desenho. Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa: Lisboa, 2020. 

Portella, G. (2019). Slow Drawing: relations between observational drawing and transcendental meditation. In: Colóquio Expressão Múltipla III : teoria e prática do desenho : atas das conferências. Lisboa, 2020, p.114-124. 



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