Collective Estampa


Estampa is a collective of programmers, filmmakers and researchers, with a practice based on a critical and archeological approach to audiovisual and digital technologies. Since 2017 they have developed an important amount of work focused on the uses and ideologies of AI, an interest that started with a project programmatically entitled The Bad Pupil. Critical pedagogy for Artificial Intelligences (2017-2018). Among their AI works could be highlighted: Martian Species (2021) about the uses of GANs as a speculative imagination (for the exhibition Mars. The red mirror at CCCB, Barcelona), Host Images (2022) on the parasitic character of computer vision (developed for Tabakalera–Medialab, Donostia, and exhibited at La Capella–ISEA2022 in Barcelona), Auspices (2019) an ironical reflection on the mythologies of prediction (developed at UNZIP–El Prat call and acquired by the Art Collection of Banc Sabadell) o Content Aware (2020 and 2022) an online action about the automation of anonymity and its paradoxes (developed for DONE4 at Foto Colectania, Barcelona, in 2020 and for Centre d'Art Maristany, Sant Cugat, in 2022). They have produced several audiovisual pieces, particularly in the fields of video-essay and experimental animation.


M'has parlat i t'he dit que et vaig dir que no et digui. Barcelona: Como, 2023. With Alexandra Laudo and Irene Solà.

Los campos electromagnéticos. Teorías y prácticas de la escritura artificial. Buenos Aires: Caja Negra, 2023. With Jorge Carrión.

El mal alumne. Pedagogia crítica per a intel·ligències artificials Barcelona: La Capella–Barcelona City Council, 2018.


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