Adrià Sanchez-Llorens

Adrià Sanchez-Llorens

Architect (2012) and Master in Integrated Architectural Design (2014) by the Technical School of Architecture La Salle de Barcelona.


Part-time lecturer and coordinator of events and competitions (2014 - today) also at the Technical School of Architecture La Salle Barcelona.

Professional experience

His work combines teaching with the more professional field of the sector, starting with the office UT22a, founding BRUC arquitectes and now being managing partner of TAG Partners, developing large-scale projects for both individuals and renowned companies.

His practice on heritage buildings began in collaboration with Francisco Javier Asarta and Ramon Garriga (2015), helping them in the maintenance of the Casa Milà-Segimón building, La Pedrera. Since 2021 he has been collaborating with La Fundació following in the footsteps of his predecessors.



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