Paula Tudela - das ende

Presentation of the photobook "das ende" by Paula Tudela

Paula Tudela presents the photobook "das ende" on Thursday 28 April at 6.30 p.m. at the Esquerra de l'Eixample - Agustí Centelles Library (Comte d'Urgell, 145) in Barcelona.

This publication, produced as part of EINA's Postgraduate Diploma in Photography and Editorial Design, shows how a relationship begins at an electronic music festival in Germany and ends two years later, leading to the first heartbreak, reflection and self-knowledge. "das ende" is documented with personal photographs, handwritten notes, bracelets from each edition of the festival and even the last goodbye emails. 

The aim of the book, which will also be presented in May in Madrid, is that everyone can relate it to their own (un)love story. 

das ende

das ende