The "Desplegable” project, by students Anna Rebecca Fdz-Checa, Mar Marqués and Oriol Carbonell, on the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Design, tutored by Rosa Clotet, Miquel Espinet and Raúl Oliva, is a finalist in the 30th Habitàcola Prizes.
The "Desplegable” project, by students Anna Rebecca Fdz-Checa, Mar Marqués and Oriol Carbonell, on the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Design, tutored by Rosa Clotet, Miquel Espinet and Raúl Oliva, is a finalist in the 30th Habitàcola Prizes.
The Habitàcola Prizes are a competition for students with the aim of highlighting the importance of creativity, social commitment and professional rigour among organisations and the general public, providing support and promoting new initiatives, new approaches and new emerging talents.
The subject chosen for this year offers a reflection on reading spaces and promoting reading in the public space, Mobile Library Reading, in line with a reality that exists and that merits a satisfactory and definitive solution: mobile library stops and their environment.
"Foldable" proposes a system of different stages of assembly, according to different uses, which ultimately become stages that can host plays and debates, film screenings and group audio books.