Artistic dynamization of the Poblenou super block of houses

Students in the 3rd and 4th year of the Degree in Design from the subject of Artistic Intervention Practice, led by Enric Font, are developing intervention proposals for the Superilla (super block of houses) at the Roc Boronat/Sancho de Ávila intersection in Barcelona's Poblenou district.

This project, carried out in collaboration with Rebobinart, Plataforma d'Art, proposes to explore the possibilities of artistic interventions in the street space. The aim is to make citizens aware of the benefits of this space. The project assumes the commitment of evaluating the viability so that some of the proposals can be financed and carried out.

For the development of the project, EINA students will have a virtual meeting with Carla Gimeno, curator and project manager of Rebobinart and Margalef, an artist who develops an intervention project in the zebra crossing of the same spot. In this way, the students will be put in contact with cultural agents and artists who are developing a proposal like the commission received within the course.

The aim of the Superilla is to energize the city's spaces so that they become a meeting point, and at the same time promote a more sustainable city free of pollution and traffic, stimulate social and cultural exchanges and citizen participation and promote coexistence, civility and the creation of synergies between territorial agents.

Artistic dynamization of the Poblenou super block of houses Artistic dynamization of the Poblenou super block of houses
Artistic dynamization of the Poblenou super block of houses Artistic dynamization of the Poblenou super block of houses
Artistic dynamization of the Poblenou super block of houses Artistic dynamization of the Poblenou super block of houses