Pablo Apolo

Pablo Apolo

Graduate in Architecture, ETSA, Seville.
Master’s Degree in Design and Art Direction, Elisava, Barcelona.


Teacher at EINA (UAB) in the field of design projects, around the creation of spaces, the transmutation of the body and the development of creative experiences.

Active as a teacher of art and creativity with the Fundació Pere Tarrés. Collaborator with different national universities, such as the UPM and Elisava, and social education associations, developing educational experiences based on experimentation and collective creation.

Professional experience 

Co-director of the creative laboratory La Bobería, a playground space where he explores through different disciplines such as painting, fashion, scenography and performance.

He has worked with studios such as Recetas Urbanas and Lebrel furniture, in the field of collective self-construction and spatial design; with entities such as Seix Barral or Outsiders Division, in illustration and fashion design; and he is currently working as an artist and multidisciplinary designer in the Malpaís space.

He is an expert in transversal creativity projects, brand identity and the development of artistic experiences.


He has realised the exhibitions "Prototipos Patria Bobé" and "Patria Bobé" about the development of upcyclin fashion, posters and prototype design; and the exhibition "masks" about the identity duality between the corporeal and the digital.

He is currently developing show-performances with different artistic spaces such as Cabaret Internet or the Joan Miró Foundation.

