She studied Photography at the Institute for Photographic Studies of Catalonia (1998) parallel to her Graphic Design Degree at EINA (2000). She specialized in Letterpress Printing at the Conservatory of the Book Arts of the Llotja School of Art and Design (2007). In 2015/16 studied two postgraduate courses: Ephemera: History, Analysis and Cataloging of Ephemeral Printed Materials, and The Ancient Book: History and Analysis of the Bibliographic Heritage, at the UB’s Librarian and Documentation University.
Since 2016 she has been teaching Typography at the School of Art and Design of Sant Cugat. From 2006 to 20014 she has been a teacher on Lettering Carving and Letterpress Printing on the EINA’s Master's in Advanced Typography, and from 2008 to 2012 on the Experimental and Creative Editions course, taught at the Massana School of Art and Design. She has also taught Photography at the Virreina’s Space, the Bau School of Art and design, the Illa School and the University of Fine Arts.
Professional experience / Research
In 2012 she established her letterpress workshop, Lauren Press, where she carries out design and printing commissions, as well as her own graphic work.
Since 2016, she is a member of the Barcelona Collage Society, a collective dedicated to the diffusion and exhibition of collage art.
She has worked as a curatorial assistant for photography organizations and curators: PhotoIreland Festival (2012), Fundació Fotocolectania (2010), Festival GetxoPhoto (2009), La FotoBcn (2008). With other photographers, in 2007 she founded the AtelieRetaguardia collective which worked on until 2011, studying and promoting nineteenth-century photographic processes. For eleven years he worked at the renowned Kowasa photography bookstore.
- Collages, Arcangela Regis. Galeria Taller Balam, Barcelona 2022
- Reverting to type, Protest Poster. Standpoint Gallery, London 2020
- Shakeaspeare’s 154 Sonnets. Bodleain Library. Oxford, UK 2016
- Dada ist 100. Eremitage Gransee Gallery. Gransee, Germany 2016
- Atelieretaguardia. Heliografía Contemporánea. Museo Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona 2016
- Máculas. Print Workers. Barcelona 2015
- Letterpress Reloaded, São Paulo, Brasil, 2015
- Change. Festival of Print. Bristol, Uk 2015
- 23,56. Tipos móviles en la era digital. Bau. Barcelona 2014
- Tipoferits. Espai Mob. Barcelona 2012
- Atelieretaguardia. Heliografía Contemporánea. Galería Tagomago. Barcelona 2010
- Barcelona Deep Collage, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona 2021
- Letras con mensaje. Sergi Doladé; Metal magazine. Barcelona 2017
- Atelieretaguardia. Heliografía Contemporánea, Museo Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, 2016
- Escenas extrañas en la mina de plata. Historia del fotograma. Molinero, Antonio. Casimiro Editorial, Barcelona 2015.
- Revista ERASE, Mecanical Poems, Barcelona, 2013
- Heliografía Contemporánea, Galeria Tomago, Barcelona, 2010
- XXXVIII Salón de otoño de fotografía en Valencia, AGFOVAL, Valencia, 2004
- Generación 2002, Obra Social Caja Madrid, Madrid 2002
- Photo Italia, nº39, ag.-sep. 2000