Andreu Balius

Andreu Balius

PhD in Design from the University of Southampton, 2013.


Associate professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Communication at Pompeu Fabra University from 200-2014. Professor in the Master’s of Digital Arts at Pompeu Fabra University since 2006 to 2015.Guest professor for Masters and Doctorate degrees in various universities and academic centers in Spain and internationally. Has also presented his projects in a range of conferences and seminars.

Professional experience

Designs typography for Typerepublic, the studio he founded in 2003. Andreu has developed typography projects since the early 1990s and was cofounder of the (typo)graphic design studio Typerware in 1993. He has been a member of the Association Typographique Internationale - ATypI y of the AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale) since 2010 and has won a number of awards, among them the "Excellence in Type Design" award from Type Directors Club and Association Typographique Internationale - ATypI. His work has appeared in exhibitions and has been published in specialized catalogues and magazines.


(Only the five most recent publications are listed)

  • "Barcelona: The city and its lettering", in Kehrer, Ulrich. StadtAlphabet Barcelona, Sonderzahl Verlagsgesellschaft m. b. H. Vienna, 2013.
  • "El valor de la tipografia en un món global i multilingüe" [The value of typography in a global and multilingual world], Temes de Disseny [Design Topics], n. 29, Elisava. Barcelona, 2013.
  • "Tipografía Árabe. La escritura como dibujo, la palabra como imagen" [Arabian Typography: Writing as Drawing, Words as Images], EME Magazine, number 1, Polytechnic University of Valencia, 2013.
  • "Letras para el mundo real" [Letters in the real world], Cultura/s n. 506. La Vanguardia, 29.02.2012.
  • "Tipografía digital en España. Apuntes para un estudio crítico" [Digital Typography in Spain: Notes for a Critical Study], in Various authors. Imprenta Real. Las fuentes de la tipografía española. Ministry of External Affairs. AECID. Madrid, 2009.



Social media