Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions


EINA, University Centre, is part of the consortium of European universities and institutions that have obtained the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges (MSCA-2022) grant to carry out the research project "K-Reporters. Reassembling politics across children's cultures to scale intersectional pedagogies".

K-Reporters is a project coordinated by the research group "atlas. Critical Intersections for Education" of the UAB.

The team of EINA researchers involved in the project are: Anna Majó (PI), Enric Mas, Tània Costa and Sara Coscarelli.


K-Reporters is an interdisciplinary, international and intersectorial project in which children are understood as creative social agents that generate unique (children's) cultures that contribute to the production of welcoming and dignified societies.

The aim of this project is to explore the politics and cultures of child welfare in contemporary societies in order to legitimise and elevate these discourses to scientific knowledge, empowering children's welfare, a fundamental axis for building democratic communities. That is, to understand how children inhabit relationalities and produce culture in (post) conflict in order to transform discourses on childhood in education from an intersectional approach. Thus, K-Reporters aims to recognise children's agency and learn from their creative strategies for survival, especially for navigating conflict and discomfort.

Ultimately, the project aims to transform neoliberal, adult-centred, gendered and colonial thinking about childhood by scaling up intersectional pedagogies, transferable skills and networking to ensure informed decision-making and meaningful action in education and well-being.


Lecture ‘Seeking safety in insecure environment of war in Ukraine’ with Olena Troshkina, Nataliia Korchyna, Anna Nakonechna, Mariia Tokar. Chair: Ana Villellas
National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (NAFAA)
Data: Monday 7 May at 4pm
Link to lecture
Meeting ID: 365 421 582 423
Password: gvnyMA

Seeking safety in insecure environment of war in Ukraine




Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01

Subject: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01-01 - MSCA 2022 staff exchanges

Type of action: HORITZÓ TMA Exchanges of MSCA personnel

Project duration: 48 months (2024-2027)

Title: K-Reporters. Reassembling politics across children's cultures to scale intersectional pedagogies

