Marc Menció has won the gaudeamusPROJECTA award, in the 5th edition of these awards organised by the Official College of Graphic Design of Catalonia, with his Final Project for the Bachelor of Design, Laboratori de Captcha, an exploration of how captchas can evolve by using our human skills as a basis for creating better systems that are secure and improve the current user experience.
The jury awarded the prize to this project "to confront the established without complexes and from the perspective and with the tools of graphic design, the discipline of visual communication; to question the existing and propose alternatives that improve it; to confront and delve into the characteristics and differences between human visual perception and the capture of information. The perception of artificial intelligence is the essential point that will allow us to become aware of our own identity, which is the singularity of the human, which differentiates us from the non-biological, posing problems and seeking solutions makes us move forward, questioning the established, the paradigm allows us to evolve and here too design helps”.