Imatge tesis César Zabala Mena

César Zabala's thesis defence

Doctoral student César Zabala Mena, who has completed his research in the Philosophy doctoral programme at EINA, will defend his doctoral thesis entitled “El Cuidado Xenosimbótico como medio para el diseño de sociedades que no tengan las relaciones de poder como factor relacionado” (Xenosymbiotic Care as a means for the design of societies that do not have power relations as a related factor) on Monday 13 March at 10 am in the Assembly Hall of EINA Sentmenat (Passeig Santa Eulalia, 25).

The thesis proposes Xenosymbiotic Care as an alternative to conventional thinking for the design of products and services, with which to maintain relationships that initiate events that can lead us to renewed realities. Alternatives to a world exhausted by power relations, generating conditions of possibility that lead to new futures.

The thesis has been co-directed by Dr. Tània Costa, from EINA, and Dr. Jèssica Jacques, from the UAB. The examining board will be formed by Dr. Raffaella Perrone from the IED, Dr. Oriol Ventura from the UB and Dr. David Casacuberta from the UAB.

Tesi César Zabala