The Design History and Study Research Group (GRHED) is oriented towards the reflection of the discipline of history applied to design, both its definition or methodology and its teaching application. On the other hand research is generated around design and contemporary art. History is contemplated as a specific an singular process to recognize the evolution and foundations of desing, providing materials for a prospective reflection in the present.
Alex Mitrani
Rubén Alcaraz, Andreu Balius, Jordi Català, Guillem Celada, Albert Corbeto, Sara Coscarelli, Albert Crispi, Uli Marchsteiner, Enric Mas, Jordi Peraferrer, Oriol Pibernat, Mar Saiz, Sílvia Santaeugènia, Enric Steegmann, Jeffrey Swartz.
- Art and design since post-war times until the present. Evolution of the modernity.
- Design historiography: methods, approach, reach, theories and traditions.
- Industrial design and architecture in Catalonia.
- EINA’s history.
EINA’s online chronology
EINA’s online chronology provides whomever may be interested with an event relation that allows to follow the historical thread of this pioneer centre in the teaching of design and art in Barcelona. The chronology is the result of a well based research work in the cataloguing process of the centre’s historical archive and the critical revision of these fonds. Therefore, it’s not an institutional story but the visualisation of information and data constituting connectors of different possible stories. Data is presented in a concise but easily understandable way. On the one hand a relation with the textual, graphic and photographic documents of the Archive is established as well as the link with other available information on the Web. On the other hand, it’s an attempt to isolate EINA’s historical thread with relevant data of the local and international context.Only this causes the visualisation of the cultural transfer that has taken place and the will of contemporaneity with which EINA identifies becomes evident..
The last five publications are shown.
Campi Valls, Isabel; Rio, Isabel del (2018). "Jordi Vilanova y la modernización de los gustos de la burguesía catalana". En: Simposio de la Fundación Historia del Diseño (2n: 2018: Barcelona). Diseño y franquismo.
Pibernat i Domènech, Oriol (2018). "España en las Trienales de 1951, 1954 y 1957 : diplomacia cultural e imagen de modernidad". En: Simposio de la Fundación Historia del Diseño (2n: 2018: Barcelona). Diseño y franquismo.
Mitrani, Àlex (2018). "El diseño y la modernidad en la ilustración humorística bajo el franquismo". En: Simposio de la Fundación Historia del Diseño (2n: 2018: Barcelona). Diseño y franquismo.
Alcaraz Martínez, Rubén (2018). "Las humanidades digitales como aliadas de la historia del diseño: el caso de la cronología de la historia de EINA (1967-2017)". En: Simposio de la Fundación Historia del Diseño (2n: 2018: Barcelona). Diseño y franquismo.
Mitrani, Àlex (ed.). L'interiorisme comercial com a patrimoni: una aproximació des del món del disseny. Barcelona: EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona, 2018. ISBN 978-84-617-9770-7.
All the puclications of the Group can be consulted at Dipòsit Digital d'EINA.