Open presentation of the final projects of the Postgraduate Diploma EXHIBITIONS. Curatorship, Design and Spaces

The students of the Postgraduate Diploma EXHIBITIONS. Curatorship, Design and Spaces will publicly present their final projects on Thursday 9 September, from 5pm to 8pm, at EINA Barra de Ferro (Barra de Ferro, 2).

The works carried out propose and develop exhibition projects with a freely chosen theme. The proposals, of diverse nature, cover the three disciplines dealt with during the course: curatorship, exhibition space, and mediation.

The list of projects presented is as follows:

  • Maialen Elorza Otaegui. Cómo construir tu propio oasis
  • Lluisa Gené Rebull. L'art i els castells
  • Maria Guerrero. La materialitat de l'art
  • Franc Jaume Martín. Fuera de banda. Diálogos entre fútbol y sociedad
  • Sana López Abellán. Apuntes etnográficos
  • Cecilia Milá de Rosa i Ester Piedrabuena Omedes. A través de Camille Saint-Saëns
  • Mireia Molina Costa. Poètica de cossos absents
  • Carla Riu Dolz. Panorama. Real vs virtual
  • Teresa Rosa Martelo. el cajón, las cómodas, los armarios. Memorias de la casa
  • Rita Sala Treig. (Re)forma
  • Set Simon Vilert. Converses en ratlla. Diàlegs entre museus locals
Postgrau EXPOSICIONS. Curadoria, disseny i espais Postgrau EXPOSICIONS. Curadoria, disseny i espais