As a resource centre for learning, teaching and research, the EINA Library offers a range of support services to students, professors and researchers.
The Bibliotaulell brings together a variety of online information resources related to design and art; it offers a range of cultural events, such as exhibitions, fairs and salons, and other scheduled activities inside and outside the city; it reports on curiosities and ephemeris, thus serving as a showcase for news in the sector.
It also provides visibility to serial publications, through the online journals display, with the latest issues received at the library, and offers documents to help in bibliographical research.
For students enrolled in any of the studies taught, teachers and the rest of the centre's staff, as well as all members of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Likewise, members of the EINA community can access the loan service of the UAB libraries through their accreditation, and borrow books (in situ) from any of its libraries.
Check the terms and conditions of this service (in Spanish).
Attention to bibliographic information queries and guidance to users in consulting the catalogue, providing personalised attention to solve both specific thematic information needs and any doubts related to the operation, use of services and resources of other libraries.
Informative circulars with the latest new additions to the library.
Check the latest acquisitions:
Access to journal articles received in the library by subject area.
Training sessions for the university community to educate users in the use of library services and resources and to acquire information skills and abilities.
Every area in the library is covered by wireless internet connection.