Design for Transition is an emerging practice in the design field that works to create alternative life styles that are beneficial to the economy, society and the planet. With this priority objective, Design for Transition works at the level of system, public policy design and new relationships between organisations.
The sustainability aim of Design for Transition is achieved through the creation of new scenarios and organisational structures that enable these life styles to be changed instead of “repairing” the inefficiencies of the existing material environment. The work processes suited to these expectations are collaborative, interdisciplinary and co-creative practices together with the users, which means that the role of the designer is nearer to that of a design expert in a collective process in which all members participate in the design.
Dra. Tània Costa Gomez
Anna Alcubierre, Dra. Tània Costa Gomez, Adrià Garcia i Mateu, Clara Mallart, Jordi Martí, Dr. Ramon Parramon, Dra. Núria Saura, Alex Viladrich.
Web of Design for social innovation. Art and design in/for transition Research Group.