Anna Fuster

Anna Fuster

Bachelor’s in Audiovisual Communication (UPF, 1998), Graduate in Design, specializing in Graphic Design from EINA (UAB, 2003) and a diploma in Advanced Fine Arts within the program Art, Territory and Culture in the Media (UB, 2005).


Currently professor of Projects 4 – Design of interactions in the Design Degree at EINA, and coordinator of the postgraduate diploma in web design and the Master’s in Graphic Design, for which she teaches the web projects module.

Since 2016, Anna has taught design and interactive scripts for the degree in Audiovisual Communication at Pompeu Fabra University. She has collaborated in the Master’s in Communication and Digital Marketing at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. From 2001 to 2010 she has been an associate professor of Audiovisual Communication studies at UPF, with the subjects Expression Workshop: Photography (Degree in Audiovisual Communication, 2001-2008) and Photography Workshop (Degree in Audiovisual Communication 2008-2010). She has been a professor at Eina since 2006, having taught the subjects of Computer Science in the Higher Graduate in Design (2006-2010) and Projects 2: Web design, in the Degree in Design (2010 - 2018).

Professional experience and research

Anna works professionally developing ideas and designs for interactive projects. She created, a company that develops both commercial and artistic projects, with Daniel Julià.

Anna was also previously part of the Group for Experimentation in Interactive Communication at the Audiovisual Institute of Pompeu Fabra University (2001-2007).

